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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

25/365...2011 The State of MY Union!

As I sit here tonight and listen to President Obama report on THE STATE of The UNION, its hard to listen to.  I have seen so many friends who are teachers post tonight about their first paycheck of the new year being considerably less due to the new taxes.  Its sad knowing that these teachers have one of the most important roles in our Children's lives.  How can we expect bright, caring, loving students to pursue teaching as a career.  Why would they want to do this when they could spend the same 4 years earning a degree that would pay a larger salary in a different field.  (Example.. Engineering, Nursing, Business) .  Now he is talking about health care.  I know too many people who are borderline and have no insurance.  They make too much to be able to have any assistance and do not make enough to even cover their normal household expenses.  There has to be some answer.  I only wish the leaders of our country had no option but to take the same type of insurance coverage we have.  I also wish they had to draw Social Security as their retirement.  By the time I am mid 60's, I am sure there will be nothing left. 

So as I sit here and relax and ponder tonight I think of the state of MY union.  The Union of my little family.  A facebook acquaintance of mine posted this question as her status today:

How many of you are doing what you want with your life? If you could do whatever you wanted to do without judgement or hurting anyone, are you doing right now what you dream of doing? Right now not in the future. Just curious?

I thought a bit about what my answer was. This is what I said:

Great question! Yes you really just made my day and I am teary eyed. I did not marry till 37 and Eric was 40, first marriage for both of us. It took us 5 years of many fertility treatments,  pregnancy, miscarriage of... twins, living in 4 states -,in 6 years, being married for almost 9 years to get to this moment today. Where we have a beautiful (high energy, stubborn and brilliant) daughter who will soon be four. Great friends, great neighborhood and I am a stay at home mom.  The only other thing I would be doing is volunteering at a crisis pregnancy center and that is in my plan to do. For now, this moment I am doing exactly what I want and am truly in a "happy place"! Thanks for your question and making me think about it and appreciate it this morning.

As I sit here tonight pondering the State of OUR Union, Our family, I am blessed.  On those tough days, I need to be reminded of this.  This is what I prayed for many years.  Eric is what I needed and what God planned for me. Savannah is a miracle story for us. As I sit here tonight enjoying my glass of Gewurztraminer (Pelee Island) and wishing that is where we could spend more time, I am grateful.  I know that when I lay my head on my pillow tonight that I am in a happy place with the state or OUR Union!

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