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Monday, January 17, 2011

17/365...2011 It's Nice to be Surprised

Yesterday was a long gloomy rainy day in more ways than one.  I don't know about you, but I need a dose of happiness and sunshine!  Last night it seemed like forever before we could sit down together.

This morning I woke up early and saw Eric sitting at his computer.  This is very normal to see around 6 am as he is preparing for his day at work.  Most mornings I think he leaves between 6:15 and 6:45.  I crawled back in the warm bed and dozed back off to sleep.  Savannah woke up early and came and crawled in our bed.  A bit later, I noticed that Savannah was no longer in our bed and Eric was snoozing!  He woke up and told me he had taken the day off.  Eric said he was going to stay home and help out with Savannah today!  THIS was a wonderful surprise.  Very simple, but very thoughtful and worth more than you can imagine to me.  I let Eric go back to sleep and I went to check on Savannah.  She was very self sufficient for an almost 4 year old this morning.  She had picked out Madagascar the Movie, put it in the DVD player in her playroom by standing on small box.  She pressed play by taking a felt flower from a bouquet that Lindsey Fell caught at Liz and Doug's wedding a few years ago.  She took the flower and used it to reach up to press the play button.  Pretty creative!  She went to the fridge and got out her sippy cup with milk in it!

It was still rainy and gloomy outside, but the mood around my heart was becoming full of sunshine. I drank my Spark and a cup of hot tea and enjoyed every second of it. I started washing and folding clothes and enjoyed watching the Today show!  Savannah quiet in her room watching a movie and Eric sleeping soundly in the bed.

It wasn't long before Eric told me to do something for myself today.  I am so blessed to have Eric in my life.  He has never been one to surprise me with things.  He gets so excited any gift he orders he tells me before it comes in!  He totally understands when I am drained, sad and need time for myself.  So - I got to choose my day.  I took a very long soaking bath in my jacuzzi tub this morning.  Later I enjoyed a very long lunch with sweet friends, running simple errands and just browsing a couple of stores all by myself.  Nothing extra special.  I did not need a pedicure or anything like that. I just needed time to myself. 

Eric also received a special day.  He and his baby girl spent a special day together sharing lunch, movies, snacks, playing games, reading books and they say they cleaned the playroom.  You can never tell as it gets messy again within an hour. 

I came home to both of them giving me hugs and kisses and a home that was still in order! 

This evening I will again go enjoy some quiet time watching TV and organizing in my bedroom while Eric is away at a meeting.  

 I really think I like surprises and the sunshine it brings to my life this time of year especially! Eric and Savannah are my sunshine!

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