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Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well - Here we go! Welcome 2011 to my family and all the world!

I wonder if other Moms lay awake at night thinking of what they could have done today that would have made life more special or meaningful for their family as I do all too often? Some nights I lay awake thinking that if I don't love my family with every ounce of being I have - that there is no one out in this world who could ever care for them as I do. I am sure there are many others like me - but have yet to find my twin! I am 46 - Mom to a 3 year old and married to a 49 year old husband! We have been married for 8 years. Our daughter breathes life into us - but can also suck out any life left in you out at the end of the day! But - she leaves us both smiling as we lay our old, mature exhausted head on the pillows at night! We like to say our lives did not truly begin as many others did - young, married, job oriented, in debt with student loans. We just began our lives as God would have planned them - in our late 30's for me and Eric at 40. We had "been there, done that and had the tshirt for all the other things!"

My goal with this blog this year is to share humor and insights into our daily lives as our daughter matures and as I continue to mature as a Mom. YES, I am proud to share my age as being what I think is the OLDEST MOM in 3 or more Moms Groups, Parenting Groups and Mothers of Preschoolers Groups in our area. I feel wise or old beyond my years some days wanting to really "share some good ole southern Momma Advice to my dear friends", whether they want it or not! Also I will document how these precious friends help me to grow, mature and let go of some of the things that I think are so important and hold on to. I will share how I have continued the southern traditions that I have grown up with as a Mississippi and an Alabama Girl. I will share how my wonderful husband Eric has taken on these traditions and goes above and beyond the call of duty as a Midwestern guy - turned southern guy the day he married me!

Please join and follow my BLOG as I hope to at least inspire myself and keep myself laughing!

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