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Monday, January 31, 2011

31/365...2011 Good Riddance - January!

Today is January 31, 2011.  I bid you farewell and say good riddance January!  WHAT a month!  It only can get better from here right?  Just a few highlights from this month, in the world that surrounds my little family.  There are good and bad.  However, the sad and annoying things tipped the scales this month. 

January started compiling tax items and organizing.

Savannah finally gave up asking for a diaper to poopie, only to get in trouble with behavior at preschool and other related issues.  She finally learned how to poopie on the potty.  But had to miss a week of preschool for the two of us to work on it.  Now she is not attending lunch bunch for a few weeks as she still needs practice.  The teachers cannot make her go like I can.  They suggest, it doesn't work. 

What a crazy month of weather. We have had snow, ice, power outages and weather in the mid 70's!

Kids at school and their families have been sick with the flu, stomach flu and strep throat.

Everyone I know has faced the blah's that Christmas is over, bills are due and the sun is not shining!

Six years ago this week my Daddy passed away.  Heartbreaking and way before his time in my opinion.  I still deal with it each January and its very difficult.  I have times of anger, sadness, missing him, regretting arguments and missing times of good conversation.  I bought he and my Momma a book once that was for them to complete with answers about things in their life.  He never got around to it.  Its too late now.  I think Mom has started hers, but why is it so hard to share these things?  I think that is one reason I started this Blog, so that Savannah will one day have a bit of history into my thoughts and our days as a family.

Our Cat has went crazy I think, I spend a fortune and time wiping counter tops with Clorox wipes because he climbs up to look for any food that may have been out for 2 seconds.  Its a little annoyance, but it is driving me crazy.  If Savannah turns her back for a minute, Sophie dog has her plate.  How many times have I cleaned up these messes this month? 

Other annoyances are that my $30 makeup is missing.  Is it in the trash can with the cat litter.  Do I really want to know - or just suck it up and buy another one.  They last me forever!  It was only a week old.  I have tried to get a new auto registration for 3 weeks.  State law is if the road is wet, its not going to happen.  So, each time I go out to do it the person is at lunch, only accepts cash, has stopped for the day, has closed or some other lame excuse.  Today - the road was barely wet and they said no.  I have also been trying for a few weeks to find a Mardi Gras gown for Eric's ball.  No time to do this alone and no luck yet.  I found two, and the alterations will cost as much as the ball gown.  I am excited about having the special night of dressing up!  So - I hurt my toe this week and can't wear anything except UGGS and Crocs.  I think I am looking pretty stylish in those choices of shoes! 

On a positive note, this month I signed up for Weight Watchers online.  I wanted to be accountable for every bite I ate and to actually look fwd to a smaller bathing suit this summer.  Especially since with Savannah, that's where we spend our time!

Eric finally bit the dust and bought two cars!  Yes - that's right!  My 11 year old Toyota Corolla that he has driven for about 6 years is falling apart piece by piece.  Door handles fall off each week or break.  Windows will not roll up, its cracking me up to hear the stories.  The first of two cars was delivered today.  It is a Red Dodge Charger!  Its only a year old and beautiful.  He also purchased a yellow mid 90's mustang convertible! (MINE)!  Now - lets count.  We have NO car notes, but we have a Mustang (not the yellow one), an SUV, a Dodge Charger and a Toyota Corolla.  As of Saturday we will have the Yellow Mustang!  YEP, that would be 4 cars and as of Saturday it will be 5 cars!  Can you see we are donating one and selling one really FAST! 

On a serious note, there has been some major tragedy's related to house fires.  My best friend from High School's sister lost her home last week.  A friend of a friend in my MOPS group lost their home last week.  A home less than 5 minutes from us burned down this weekend.  This morning my friend Rachel B. in my Moms Group received a call that their home caught fire this morning.  They lost everything.  It could happen to any of us. 

Hug your family a bit tighter in February.  Love them more, take care and appreciate the home and possessions you have.  Make copies of any important papers and things you want to keep in a safe deposit box.  Be thankful for the blessings of being at the right place at the right time. Be thankful for friends who are amazing and will jump in and help when there is a need.  I am blessed by all of these things. 

Good by January, I am glad you are leaving me tonight.  Welcome February, the month of Love, flowers, hugs, kisses and chocolate!

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