Today is January 31, 2011. I bid you farewell and say good riddance January! WHAT a month! It only can get better from here right? Just a few highlights from this month, in the world that surrounds my little family. There are good and bad. However, the sad and annoying things tipped the scales this month.
January started compiling tax items and organizing.
Savannah finally gave up asking for a diaper to poopie, only to get in trouble with behavior at preschool and other related issues. She finally learned how to poopie on the potty. But had to miss a week of preschool for the two of us to work on it. Now she is not attending lunch bunch for a few weeks as she still needs practice. The teachers cannot make her go like I can. They suggest, it doesn't work.
What a crazy month of weather. We have had snow, ice, power outages and weather in the mid 70's!
Kids at school and their families have been sick with the flu, stomach flu and strep throat.
Everyone I know has faced the blah's that Christmas is over, bills are due and the sun is not shining!
Six years ago this week my Daddy passed away. Heartbreaking and way before his time in my opinion. I still deal with it each January and its very difficult. I have times of anger, sadness, missing him, regretting arguments and missing times of good conversation. I bought he and my Momma a book once that was for them to complete with answers about things in their life. He never got around to it. Its too late now. I think Mom has started hers, but why is it so hard to share these things? I think that is one reason I started this Blog, so that Savannah will one day have a bit of history into my thoughts and our days as a family.
Our Cat has went crazy I think, I spend a fortune and time wiping counter tops with Clorox wipes because he climbs up to look for any food that may have been out for 2 seconds. Its a little annoyance, but it is driving me crazy. If Savannah turns her back for a minute, Sophie dog has her plate. How many times have I cleaned up these messes this month?
Other annoyances are that my $30 makeup is missing. Is it in the trash can with the cat litter. Do I really want to know - or just suck it up and buy another one. They last me forever! It was only a week old. I have tried to get a new auto registration for 3 weeks. State law is if the road is wet, its not going to happen. So, each time I go out to do it the person is at lunch, only accepts cash, has stopped for the day, has closed or some other lame excuse. Today - the road was barely wet and they said no. I have also been trying for a few weeks to find a Mardi Gras gown for Eric's ball. No time to do this alone and no luck yet. I found two, and the alterations will cost as much as the ball gown. I am excited about having the special night of dressing up! So - I hurt my toe this week and can't wear anything except UGGS and Crocs. I think I am looking pretty stylish in those choices of shoes!
On a positive note, this month I signed up for Weight Watchers online. I wanted to be accountable for every bite I ate and to actually look fwd to a smaller bathing suit this summer. Especially since with Savannah, that's where we spend our time!
Eric finally bit the dust and bought two cars! Yes - that's right! My 11 year old Toyota Corolla that he has driven for about 6 years is falling apart piece by piece. Door handles fall off each week or break. Windows will not roll up, its cracking me up to hear the stories. The first of two cars was delivered today. It is a Red Dodge Charger! Its only a year old and beautiful. He also purchased a yellow mid 90's mustang convertible! (MINE)! Now - lets count. We have NO car notes, but we have a Mustang (not the yellow one), an SUV, a Dodge Charger and a Toyota Corolla. As of Saturday we will have the Yellow Mustang! YEP, that would be 4 cars and as of Saturday it will be 5 cars! Can you see we are donating one and selling one really FAST!
On a serious note, there has been some major tragedy's related to house fires. My best friend from High School's sister lost her home last week. A friend of a friend in my MOPS group lost their home last week. A home less than 5 minutes from us burned down this weekend. This morning my friend Rachel B. in my Moms Group received a call that their home caught fire this morning. They lost everything. It could happen to any of us.
Hug your family a bit tighter in February. Love them more, take care and appreciate the home and possessions you have. Make copies of any important papers and things you want to keep in a safe deposit box. Be thankful for the blessings of being at the right place at the right time. Be thankful for friends who are amazing and will jump in and help when there is a need. I am blessed by all of these things.
Good by January, I am glad you are leaving me tonight. Welcome February, the month of Love, flowers, hugs, kisses and chocolate!
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Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
30/365...2011 Sister Wives
We watch very few shows here. Over the years there have been a few HBO series we have been hooked on. The Soprano's and Six Feet Under are shows that Eric and I mourned their ending! Then came BIG LOVE. We were hooked from the very first show. I don't remember how many years ago that it was, but I am sad this is the last season of the show. I don't know who I can relate to best. Most days it is Barb who seems the normal and most balanced one. Nikki and Marjene annoy me a lot of times, but they truly make the show. Bill is a pretty good husband and father. I love all the members of the compound. Albi is a fool who I wonder how any wife could follow. Bill's parents are the absolute funniest characters on the series. Nikki's Mother I remember watching years ago when she was on the TV show "Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman". All of the actors have been in many other movies and TV shows and I am sure they will continue with something else after the series ends.
My friend Mary and I have often joked about being each others Sister Wives. We laugh so hard, only thinking of being able to help each other out with errands and the kids. If I had a sister wife I would enjoy if they could split the housework with me. I would keep the kitchen and living rooms clean and love the decorating. I would go shopping at Target if they would shop at Walmart and the grocery store. I would cook the meals if they would clean the kitchen. If my sister wife would wash, fold and put away the clothes, I would mow the grass. I would dress up all fancy and go with Eric to nice restaurants and to the movies. She would stay home and give Savannah a bath and get her to sleep. I would take Savannah to preschool, but my sister wife would have to face the teachers and preschool director when Savannah misbehaved. Eric says one wife is PLENTY! After all, it took him till the age of 40 to walk down the isle with one wife! I don't really think Mary would agree with my plan of distribution of fun and chores! I would not want more than one sister wife and no more than one more child! Every now and then it would be nice for Eric to have the brother husband to do all the things around the house that there are never time to complete.
That's my little dream world and I am sure that is not the original plan of sister wives or the Morman Church! I will just enjoy the last season of Big Love and sit on the edge of my seat at each show. I wonder how many other friends have enjoyed the show and thought the same thing at times, laughing at themselves!
For now I will just dream we win the lottery or some long lost relative leaves us millions so that I can hire a maid, gardner, chauffer and a personal shopper!
My friend Mary and I have often joked about being each others Sister Wives. We laugh so hard, only thinking of being able to help each other out with errands and the kids. If I had a sister wife I would enjoy if they could split the housework with me. I would keep the kitchen and living rooms clean and love the decorating. I would go shopping at Target if they would shop at Walmart and the grocery store. I would cook the meals if they would clean the kitchen. If my sister wife would wash, fold and put away the clothes, I would mow the grass. I would dress up all fancy and go with Eric to nice restaurants and to the movies. She would stay home and give Savannah a bath and get her to sleep. I would take Savannah to preschool, but my sister wife would have to face the teachers and preschool director when Savannah misbehaved. Eric says one wife is PLENTY! After all, it took him till the age of 40 to walk down the isle with one wife! I don't really think Mary would agree with my plan of distribution of fun and chores! I would not want more than one sister wife and no more than one more child! Every now and then it would be nice for Eric to have the brother husband to do all the things around the house that there are never time to complete.
That's my little dream world and I am sure that is not the original plan of sister wives or the Morman Church! I will just enjoy the last season of Big Love and sit on the edge of my seat at each show. I wonder how many other friends have enjoyed the show and thought the same thing at times, laughing at themselves!
For now I will just dream we win the lottery or some long lost relative leaves us millions so that I can hire a maid, gardner, chauffer and a personal shopper!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
This has been a pretty good Saturday. It has been a busy fun day. By multitasking I attempted to get everything done! Early this morning I drove down to Princeton area to try to find the automotive shop that did the auto inspections. I couldn't find it, not surprising since I have tried to get an inspection for weeks! It is either raining, snowing, a wet road or on a perfect day I just forgot about it. I know exactly where to go on Monday morning and will get one unless it is raining! I tried to go to the Credit Union to make a deposit, but there were at least 30 cars in the 4 drive thru's and I gave up. I did get a birthday present bought and came home and enjoyed a nice visit with my great friend Brandy and her two girls. We had a blast figuring out what to make for our lunch and what the weight watcher points would add up to! We were stuffed and had only used 6 or 7 points! The girls played really good today together. They have been friends for almost 2 1/2 of their short lives! I look fwd to watching them grow up thru the years as friends. Later this afternoon I painted a silly wine glass for a friend who had an especially tough week. We have all had those weeks don't we? I made a glass that said "Mommy's Sippy Cup" on one side and "A little Wine Time" on the other! It was great fun and relaxing to do a bit of art work. I definitely need to make more time in my life for art projects! I have also been busy working on orders for the Rags Land and Orient Express Children's clothes Trunk Show I hosted this week, washing clothes, downloading pictures and hanging out with Savannah and Eric.
Its been a great day in the mid 70's! A good day for attempting to multitask. So strange to have freezing days, snow, ice and summer weather in January. But, that's what its like living in NW Louisiana. The night is winding down and there are still clothes to be folded, clothes in the dryer, dishes to be put away. But the multitasking is over. These things will still be here tomorrow morning. A glass of wine and HGTV is calling my name! Eric is putting Savannah to bed and I am calling it a night! A goodnight at that!
Its been a great day in the mid 70's! A good day for attempting to multitask. So strange to have freezing days, snow, ice and summer weather in January. But, that's what its like living in NW Louisiana. The night is winding down and there are still clothes to be folded, clothes in the dryer, dishes to be put away. But the multitasking is over. These things will still be here tomorrow morning. A glass of wine and HGTV is calling my name! Eric is putting Savannah to bed and I am calling it a night! A goodnight at that!
Friday, January 28, 2011
28/365...2011 Never leave home without your lipstick!
Today I kept Savannah out of preschool for us to continue working on her potty issues. We had a fabulous day. We could not stay in the house one more day. I had tons of errands to do and she was just going to have to put on her "big girl panties" and deal with it. She was a real trooper! We went to a late breakfast at Strawn's with a few other Mommas and their sweet kiddo's. She had her first Mickey Mouse Pancakes. She ate really well since all the other kids were also eating. We ran a few errands after and then went to a local museum and gardens to take pictures in her Valentine's outfit. We were trying to take our own pictures for a friend to make Valentine Cards. I can take pretty good pictures, but getting Savannah to have a natural smile while doing this is tough! Professional photographers earn their money by making my princess have silly smiles. When your Momma says "Hurry up and smile like you are happy and then we will go to Target", just doesn't work for her! She was more interested in skipping rocks in the stream! After our photo session was over, she asked for her giant rainbow lollipop. I asked what she was talking about. She reminded me that Mrs. Liz gave her one after her last pictures taken at the gardens. Well Liz, do you see what you have started now? I had to buy her a small heart sucker at the bookstore. It seemed to work and she has forgotten all about it being in my purse! My Savannah is definitely NOT a pageant kid! Trying to get her to have a cute pose, sitting, standing, tilting her head or putting her hands on her hips is a very awkward look for her!
Later this afternoon we were running another errand. She was in her car seat in the back seat. She told me just a minute, she needed her lipstick first! I just ignored her and noticed thru the rear view mirror she had her Toy Story Jesse backpack. She dug around in it for a bit and told me she found it. Savannah has a great imagination, so I just ignored her chatter. Thinking she was pretending or that she had our chapstick was not what I should have been thinking!
When we arrived at the Jiffy Lube, I got her out of the car and the man was cracking up! Savannah had RED lipstick all over her lips and a bit out of the lines. It was precious! He told her how purty (in a Cajun Country accent) that she was. I have to agree. She asked for a mirror and I let her see how pretty she was. She asked for the lipstick again so she could make one side match the other. I think she did pretty darn good for applying it without a mirror at the age of 3!
So, as my Friend Mary R. reminded me today - Never leave home without your lipstick and mascara!
Later this afternoon we were running another errand. She was in her car seat in the back seat. She told me just a minute, she needed her lipstick first! I just ignored her and noticed thru the rear view mirror she had her Toy Story Jesse backpack. She dug around in it for a bit and told me she found it. Savannah has a great imagination, so I just ignored her chatter. Thinking she was pretending or that she had our chapstick was not what I should have been thinking!
When we arrived at the Jiffy Lube, I got her out of the car and the man was cracking up! Savannah had RED lipstick all over her lips and a bit out of the lines. It was precious! He told her how purty (in a Cajun Country accent) that she was. I have to agree. She asked for a mirror and I let her see how pretty she was. She asked for the lipstick again so she could make one side match the other. I think she did pretty darn good for applying it without a mirror at the age of 3!
So, as my Friend Mary R. reminded me today - Never leave home without your lipstick and mascara!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
27/365...2011 I am NOT in Control! BUT GOD IS
Day 27 of my 365 Blog, and I have no idea what is going on. What the heck is "Google Cloud Picker"? Its definitely something out of my control! I try to load images or pictures to my Blog and a box comes up that says "Google Cloud Picker, please sign in." Then another box opens up and before you can sign in an error message comes up "
There was an error!
The feature you requested is currently unavailable. Please try again later
So, you can try over and over and over and the same thing happens.
I think I need a BLOG class before I pull my hair out. THIS is something new. It was all going so smoothly...
Oh wait.... MANY things were going so smoothly....
My bedroom was getting organized and orderly like the rest of the house. But - I left the room to vacuum the rugs and something happened.... must have been a little alien...
I had a list of errands to do this week, get the expired auto registration, an oil change, find a Mardi Gras Dress, get Fish Food, organize Savannah's closet, get toys and clothes together for resale, pulling final papers for tax prep, cleaning the fridge...
I am proud that I did great on my AdvoCare 24 day Challenge and my Weight Watchers food tracking and points. I had control over a very important thing and for that I am happy!
Tomorrow is Friday and NONE of this has happened. Tomorrow - Savannah and I together will try to cross two errands off the list. Trying is all we can do. Because this week I have realized I am not in control of many things. I can not make some things happen no matter how long or hard I try. I don't know why I think at times I can control things. I have not had any control over the big things in my life, why do I think I have control over the little things, but I can look back and know that GOD has had control and a plan.
God - I am turning this week over to you. It's all Yours. It has taken four of the seven days - but better late than never. I know that YOU have a plan and I can look back soon and it will all make sense. It almost always does!
Nite nite.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
26/365...2011 Words of Wisdom
Savannah stayed home from Preschool today for us to work on her "poopy in the pantie" issues. THAT is my focus as a Mom this week. Not my most favorite thing to do. She has to be totally potty trained before she goes back. After speaking with Mrs. Betty the most loving preschool director I have ever known, we both think this will get her attention. Mrs. Betty is full of God's love, experience, and wisdom. I am not too sure how the mind of an almost 4 year old works. At lease once an hour I would tell her WHY she was home with me today and what she was missing at preschool. Then a few minutes later I would ask her to tell me WHY she was home with me and she would say every single time "Momma, I don't know." She had no accidents today - her schedule is all over the place! You never know when she will go or how many times. I just don't know why I have to catch her in the process and make her go. I will take anyone's words of wisdom!
Savannah had so many funny sayings or words of wisdom today:
My Eye, My Eye, Momma I can' t see! (after I heard her screaming from my bedroom - I learned she had hand sanitizer in her eye. We flushed it out in a panic)
Momma, I was only squirting the sanitizer on my forehead to wash it and it decided to go in my eye.
Momma, all you have to do is look at the stars and make a wish and God will give it to you.
Twinkle Twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky....I really, really, really wish for a Woody Doll, not a little one. I wish for one as big as my Jesse Doll that I can hug really tight. I wish for my friend CJ a new Woody doll. He lost his and is so sad.
Rice Krispy Candy is healthy, its only cereal.
No, I did not cut the tail off "My Little Pony".
No, I did not cut the strings on the window blind. Maybe it was Henry my elf on the shelf!
Momma, please stop and bend down so that I can give you 20 kisses!
Momma, lets go outside and blow a kiss really hard and my Daddy can catch it in Minnesota where he flew out of the earth.
Momma, Are you still sad? Is your heart broken because I don't hear it. Can I feel it to make sure it is working?
I already ate my supper, at 9, a week ago (who knows what this means? everything is at 9 or 20.. her two favorite numbers I guess?)
Why did the trash man take all my candy, suckers and candy canes? Bad garbage man!
Momma, my poopy is not coming out.
I need my lipstick.
Momma, where is my Lilly doll, someone must have took her, maybe an alien with 3 eyes. I don't want Momma Lilly, I don't want Daddy Lilly, I only want my Baby Lilly!
Momma, you never take me to Chuck E Cheese any more.
I need my Mr. Bones shirt right now!
Momma, we need to go to Target.
I love my Rapunzel doll, her hair is like silk, I got what I wanted, Santa brought me to her.
I think Oscar likes me
Sophie is the best dog ever.
Before I go to bed I need my Lilly doll, my alligator, my ladybug, my Scentsy frog and my Princess Pillow.
I really want to wear my Dinosaur Train jammies. They are not wet, they are just cold from the washing machine.
Well Mom, I know a little about everything.
Last but definitely not least, "Momma, will you come snuggle with me? I can go to sleep without you breathing next to me tonight and I miss my Daddy."
Goodnight everyone, I guess you know where I am going! Its almost 10pm and the princess is still awake. I am going to snuggle with my baby for a little while and get some butterfly kisses!
Savannah had so many funny sayings or words of wisdom today:
My Eye, My Eye, Momma I can' t see! (after I heard her screaming from my bedroom - I learned she had hand sanitizer in her eye. We flushed it out in a panic)
Momma, I was only squirting the sanitizer on my forehead to wash it and it decided to go in my eye.
Momma, all you have to do is look at the stars and make a wish and God will give it to you.
Twinkle Twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky....I really, really, really wish for a Woody Doll, not a little one. I wish for one as big as my Jesse Doll that I can hug really tight. I wish for my friend CJ a new Woody doll. He lost his and is so sad.
Rice Krispy Candy is healthy, its only cereal.
No, I did not cut the tail off "My Little Pony".
No, I did not cut the strings on the window blind. Maybe it was Henry my elf on the shelf!
Momma, please stop and bend down so that I can give you 20 kisses!
Momma, lets go outside and blow a kiss really hard and my Daddy can catch it in Minnesota where he flew out of the earth.
Momma, Are you still sad? Is your heart broken because I don't hear it. Can I feel it to make sure it is working?
I already ate my supper, at 9, a week ago (who knows what this means? everything is at 9 or 20.. her two favorite numbers I guess?)
Why did the trash man take all my candy, suckers and candy canes? Bad garbage man!
Momma, my poopy is not coming out.
I need my lipstick.
Momma, where is my Lilly doll, someone must have took her, maybe an alien with 3 eyes. I don't want Momma Lilly, I don't want Daddy Lilly, I only want my Baby Lilly!
Momma, you never take me to Chuck E Cheese any more.
I need my Mr. Bones shirt right now!
Momma, we need to go to Target.
I love my Rapunzel doll, her hair is like silk, I got what I wanted, Santa brought me to her.
I think Oscar likes me
Sophie is the best dog ever.
Before I go to bed I need my Lilly doll, my alligator, my ladybug, my Scentsy frog and my Princess Pillow.
I really want to wear my Dinosaur Train jammies. They are not wet, they are just cold from the washing machine.
Well Mom, I know a little about everything.
Last but definitely not least, "Momma, will you come snuggle with me? I can go to sleep without you breathing next to me tonight and I miss my Daddy."
Goodnight everyone, I guess you know where I am going! Its almost 10pm and the princess is still awake. I am going to snuggle with my baby for a little while and get some butterfly kisses!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
25/365...2011 The State of MY Union!
As I sit here tonight and listen to President Obama report on THE STATE of The UNION, its hard to listen to. I have seen so many friends who are teachers post tonight about their first paycheck of the new year being considerably less due to the new taxes. Its sad knowing that these teachers have one of the most important roles in our Children's lives. How can we expect bright, caring, loving students to pursue teaching as a career. Why would they want to do this when they could spend the same 4 years earning a degree that would pay a larger salary in a different field. (Example.. Engineering, Nursing, Business) . Now he is talking about health care. I know too many people who are borderline and have no insurance. They make too much to be able to have any assistance and do not make enough to even cover their normal household expenses. There has to be some answer. I only wish the leaders of our country had no option but to take the same type of insurance coverage we have. I also wish they had to draw Social Security as their retirement. By the time I am mid 60's, I am sure there will be nothing left.
So as I sit here and relax and ponder tonight I think of the state of MY union. The Union of my little family. A facebook acquaintance of mine posted this question as her status today:
How many of you are doing what you want with your life? If you could do whatever you wanted to do without judgement or hurting anyone, are you doing right now what you dream of doing? Right now not in the future. Just curious?
I thought a bit about what my answer was. This is what I said:
So as I sit here and relax and ponder tonight I think of the state of MY union. The Union of my little family. A facebook acquaintance of mine posted this question as her status today:
How many of you are doing what you want with your life? If you could do whatever you wanted to do without judgement or hurting anyone, are you doing right now what you dream of doing? Right now not in the future. Just curious?
I thought a bit about what my answer was. This is what I said:
Great question! Yes you really just made my day and I am teary eyed. I did not marry till 37 and Eric was 40, first marriage for both of us. It took us 5 years of many fertility treatments, pregnancy, miscarriage of... twins, living in 4 states -,in 6 years, being married for almost 9 years to get to this moment today. Where we have a beautiful (high energy, stubborn and brilliant) daughter who will soon be four. Great friends, great neighborhood and I am a stay at home mom. The only other thing I would be doing is volunteering at a crisis pregnancy center and that is in my plan to do. For now, this moment I am doing exactly what I want and am truly in a "happy place"! Thanks for your question and making me think about it and appreciate it this morning.
As I sit here tonight pondering the State of OUR Union, Our family, I am blessed. On those tough days, I need to be reminded of this. This is what I prayed for many years. Eric is what I needed and what God planned for me. Savannah is a miracle story for us. As I sit here tonight enjoying my glass of Gewurztraminer (Pelee Island) and wishing that is where we could spend more time, I am grateful. I know that when I lay my head on my pillow tonight that I am in a happy place with the state or OUR Union!
Monday, January 24, 2011
24/365...2011 EWEEEE, GROSS
Thirty minutes ago I had absolutely no idea what to blog about tonight. I could blog about the sweet sound of the rain, the two cars that Eric bought last week, Savannah pooping in her panties twice today, having a fit in front of about 50 people as we left gymnastics class or some random topic. I just wasn't feeling it!
It all changed:
At lunch today I took the suggestion of my friend Jennifer and a few others who sent me info on making Weight Watcher healthy smoothies that are zero points and very filling. Savannah helped me add the ingredients to the blender. (4 cups of fresh spinach, banana, fresh strawberries, frozen berry mix, I forgot to add the tofu) I know that about now you are thinking Eweee Gross! It was amazingly good. One of the best fruit smoothies I have ever had in my life. Savannah loved it. Tomorrow my smoothie will be green. I love the color green!
I was giving Savannah a bath in my jacuzzi tub. I was cleaning off my counter tops that get so messy as I try to do my hair and put makeup on as Savannah is getting into everything. My Momma would say eweee to that too! I grossed out stepping on the cat litter also. I walked into my closet and WHAT did I see on my floor? A green lizard was there just looking at me! I got chills and was grossed out! Yep - me and lizards and bugs don't go together. I will NOT, I repeat, I will NOT be cleaning out my closet this week nor will I put my foot in any shoe or boot without shaking it!
After bath time Savannah fed her fish Mr. K. She named it after the fish on Dr. Seuss, Cat in the Hat. Pretty cute and clever I thought. A bit later she yelled and said someone ate all the fish food because the jar was empty. Sophie dog was smacking her lips and had chewed the jar. I guess Savannah had not put the lid back on top. I was grossed out because fish food stinks really bad. My dog better not lick me tonight. I got even more grossed out when Eric came home and I told him. He acted like he was gagging saying "Do you know what fish food is made from"? I had no idea and had never really thought about it. He said dead insects.
Here is what I googled:
From Wikipedia:
Fish food is plant or animal material intended for consumption by pet fish kept in aquariums or ponds. Fish foods normally contain macro nutrients, trace elements and vitamins necessary to keep captive fish in good health. Approximately 80% of fishkeeping hobbyists feed their fish exclusively prepared foods that most commonly are produced in flake, pellet or tablet form. Pelleted forms, some of which sink rapidly, are often used for larger fish or bottom feeding species such as loaches or catfish. Some fish foods also contain additives such as sex hormones or beta carotene or to artificially enhance the color of ornamental fish
I also looked online at PetSmart and saw freeze dried BLOODWORMS as in ingredient. EWEEE!
I skipped two eweee gross moments today! Savannah pooped in her panties at preschool. They called me to come pick her up. I was about 15 minutes away. The preschool director cleaned her off. They are not suppose to do this. I LOVE this lady! She saved me an eweee moment! As we got to gymnastics Savannah again pooped in her panties. I took her to the potty, she cleaned herself and we threw away the panties. I did not touch a thing! (Savannah also pooped two times in the potty, don't know what is going on there as she says she is scared?)
As I am busy sitting at my laptop figuring the points of whatever I decide to eat for dinner tonight on Weight Watchers online, I hear a noise in the background that I don't even know how to spell, YUM and SLURP, SLURP is about as close as I can get. I turn around and our senile Oscar cat is on top of the counter licking the juice in the bowl of green peas I am about to cook. I had seasoned them with Tastefully Simple spices. They were Garlic Garlic and Onion Onion. Can you hear me being grossed out and saying EWEEE?
I never leave food sitting out. I slipped, forgot and turned my back for 2 minutes. I buy Clorox wiped at Sam's Club and have an obsession of wiping my counter tops down a few times a day. I do this just in case something like this happens!
So, now I am not hungry and it is after 8 pm. Now I am wondering since I am grossed out and I have tons of points left for the day. If I get grossed out again I will just puke and I can subtract those Weight Watcher points that I consumed earlier - right?
All this Eweee Gross blogging takes me back to my Kindergarten days in Mrs. Whites class in Carthage, Mississippi. I had to memorize a poem. I am not sure who taught me. I wonder if it was my parents? I will leave you with the memory of the poem that I recited at the age of 4 and still remember to this day.
Ooey Gooey was a worm
a might worm was he
he climbed upon the railroad tracks
the train he did not see,
It all changed:
At lunch today I took the suggestion of my friend Jennifer and a few others who sent me info on making Weight Watcher healthy smoothies that are zero points and very filling. Savannah helped me add the ingredients to the blender. (4 cups of fresh spinach, banana, fresh strawberries, frozen berry mix, I forgot to add the tofu) I know that about now you are thinking Eweee Gross! It was amazingly good. One of the best fruit smoothies I have ever had in my life. Savannah loved it. Tomorrow my smoothie will be green. I love the color green!
I was giving Savannah a bath in my jacuzzi tub. I was cleaning off my counter tops that get so messy as I try to do my hair and put makeup on as Savannah is getting into everything. My Momma would say eweee to that too! I grossed out stepping on the cat litter also. I walked into my closet and WHAT did I see on my floor? A green lizard was there just looking at me! I got chills and was grossed out! Yep - me and lizards and bugs don't go together. I will NOT, I repeat, I will NOT be cleaning out my closet this week nor will I put my foot in any shoe or boot without shaking it!
After bath time Savannah fed her fish Mr. K. She named it after the fish on Dr. Seuss, Cat in the Hat. Pretty cute and clever I thought. A bit later she yelled and said someone ate all the fish food because the jar was empty. Sophie dog was smacking her lips and had chewed the jar. I guess Savannah had not put the lid back on top. I was grossed out because fish food stinks really bad. My dog better not lick me tonight. I got even more grossed out when Eric came home and I told him. He acted like he was gagging saying "Do you know what fish food is made from"? I had no idea and had never really thought about it. He said dead insects.
Here is what I googled:
From Wikipedia:
Fish food is plant or animal material intended for consumption by pet fish kept in aquariums or ponds. Fish foods normally contain macro nutrients, trace elements and vitamins necessary to keep captive fish in good health. Approximately 80% of fishkeeping hobbyists feed their fish exclusively prepared foods that most commonly are produced in flake, pellet or tablet form. Pelleted forms, some of which sink rapidly, are often used for larger fish or bottom feeding species such as loaches or catfish. Some fish foods also contain additives such as sex hormones or beta carotene or to artificially enhance the color of ornamental fish
I also looked online at PetSmart and saw freeze dried BLOODWORMS as in ingredient. EWEEE!
I skipped two eweee gross moments today! Savannah pooped in her panties at preschool. They called me to come pick her up. I was about 15 minutes away. The preschool director cleaned her off. They are not suppose to do this. I LOVE this lady! She saved me an eweee moment! As we got to gymnastics Savannah again pooped in her panties. I took her to the potty, she cleaned herself and we threw away the panties. I did not touch a thing! (Savannah also pooped two times in the potty, don't know what is going on there as she says she is scared?)
As I am busy sitting at my laptop figuring the points of whatever I decide to eat for dinner tonight on Weight Watchers online, I hear a noise in the background that I don't even know how to spell, YUM and SLURP, SLURP is about as close as I can get. I turn around and our senile Oscar cat is on top of the counter licking the juice in the bowl of green peas I am about to cook. I had seasoned them with Tastefully Simple spices. They were Garlic Garlic and Onion Onion. Can you hear me being grossed out and saying EWEEE?
I never leave food sitting out. I slipped, forgot and turned my back for 2 minutes. I buy Clorox wiped at Sam's Club and have an obsession of wiping my counter tops down a few times a day. I do this just in case something like this happens!
So, now I am not hungry and it is after 8 pm. Now I am wondering since I am grossed out and I have tons of points left for the day. If I get grossed out again I will just puke and I can subtract those Weight Watcher points that I consumed earlier - right?
All this Eweee Gross blogging takes me back to my Kindergarten days in Mrs. Whites class in Carthage, Mississippi. I had to memorize a poem. I am not sure who taught me. I wonder if it was my parents? I will leave you with the memory of the poem that I recited at the age of 4 and still remember to this day.
Ooey Gooey was a worm
a might worm was he
he climbed upon the railroad tracks
the train he did not see,
Sunday, January 23, 2011
23/365...Points, Water, Planning and Counting... NO FUN!
Today had been a good day for all of us despite a few minor things!
I stayed up too late last night - till 2 am this morning reading "You Are Not The Boss Of Me" on my Kindle. There are other fun books on there, but this was a top priority. I shared a few of my highlighted notes last night on facebook. Sometimes when someone else gives you parenting advice - whether they are an expert or not a light bulb comes on. If you are a parent of a child, a caretaker, teacher, grandparent or have any relationships with kids from toddlers thru teens, this book is a must read. It gives practical advice on specific parenting situations. It really made me think about how I say things. It made me think about consequences that I have given Savannah for things she has done or not done. Little consequences, but they really had NOTHING to do with whatever the issue was. I have always felt I do everything with love and for the right reasons, but there are ways that I can be better and more uplifting and encouraging. It is really making me think! Today I applied all that I read last night and Eric also. For an almost 4 year old having NO meltdowns except one at the end of the day is a MAJOR deal! I have been so proud of Savannah and of myself. If we all would realize that every relationship with kids or adults has two sides and we can change the reaction people have by our kind words and sweet spirit. It takes us thinking sometimes and that is not always something we make time to stop and do. With all of our focus on this today we still accomplished a lot around the house! Other things would have been more fun to do today but this was our priority!
I have been trying hard to watch what I eat and keep track of it this past week. Of course it is not fun! Some things will never be fun, but the rewards can be! Already thinking about summer, shorts, swimming pools and vacations makes me want to look do something about it now so that I can enjoy it more. I am a Distributor/Advisor of AdvoCare Products. The products are absolutely amazing. You all know my story of why I started with the products, if for some reason you have missed hundreds of my emails or facebook posts, ask me and I will tell you. I did not set out to sell anything, I set out to feel great! I know many get tired and turn a deaf ear when I talk about it. Its one of the best things I have ever spent money on. If had to choose one product that I would never give up in my life it would be my AdvoCare Spark - 2 or 3 times per day. (my choice 9 months ago would have been Coke Zero, McDonalds Fries, Coffee or Recees Candy) I am doing the 24 day challenge, taking the products, vitamins, Spark, Slam, Slim but I still need to do more. I don't eat a large amount at any one sitting. I never sit down till late at night. My eating all day consists of bites. In the evenings it is more bites. I just want to get down a few more sizes, back to what I was when we Savannah was about a 1 1/2 years old. I decided to sign up for Weight Watchers online to track all of my food intake, even the little bites. THAT is not fun, but it does make me aware. I have not went over any day and have not used my extra weekly points. I am determined to use these two awesome healthy lifestyle programs. My focus is for three months and a realistic goal. I am determined to plan my meals/snacks better and to drink more water. I have been amazed at a few things I have eaten and the very small size the high points they add up to!
Savannah summed it all up for me. She picked up my Hungry Girl cookbook this afternoon. She said "Momma this is a recipe book. You have to eat lots of healthy food and healthy water. You also have to go poo poo and pee pee in the potty a LOT! This child cracks me up! She makes it sound so simple doesn't she?
I stayed up too late last night - till 2 am this morning reading "You Are Not The Boss Of Me" on my Kindle. There are other fun books on there, but this was a top priority. I shared a few of my highlighted notes last night on facebook. Sometimes when someone else gives you parenting advice - whether they are an expert or not a light bulb comes on. If you are a parent of a child, a caretaker, teacher, grandparent or have any relationships with kids from toddlers thru teens, this book is a must read. It gives practical advice on specific parenting situations. It really made me think about how I say things. It made me think about consequences that I have given Savannah for things she has done or not done. Little consequences, but they really had NOTHING to do with whatever the issue was. I have always felt I do everything with love and for the right reasons, but there are ways that I can be better and more uplifting and encouraging. It is really making me think! Today I applied all that I read last night and Eric also. For an almost 4 year old having NO meltdowns except one at the end of the day is a MAJOR deal! I have been so proud of Savannah and of myself. If we all would realize that every relationship with kids or adults has two sides and we can change the reaction people have by our kind words and sweet spirit. It takes us thinking sometimes and that is not always something we make time to stop and do. With all of our focus on this today we still accomplished a lot around the house! Other things would have been more fun to do today but this was our priority!
I have been trying hard to watch what I eat and keep track of it this past week. Of course it is not fun! Some things will never be fun, but the rewards can be! Already thinking about summer, shorts, swimming pools and vacations makes me want to look do something about it now so that I can enjoy it more. I am a Distributor/Advisor of AdvoCare Products. The products are absolutely amazing. You all know my story of why I started with the products, if for some reason you have missed hundreds of my emails or facebook posts, ask me and I will tell you. I did not set out to sell anything, I set out to feel great! I know many get tired and turn a deaf ear when I talk about it. Its one of the best things I have ever spent money on. If had to choose one product that I would never give up in my life it would be my AdvoCare Spark - 2 or 3 times per day. (my choice 9 months ago would have been Coke Zero, McDonalds Fries, Coffee or Recees Candy) I am doing the 24 day challenge, taking the products, vitamins, Spark, Slam, Slim but I still need to do more. I don't eat a large amount at any one sitting. I never sit down till late at night. My eating all day consists of bites. In the evenings it is more bites. I just want to get down a few more sizes, back to what I was when we Savannah was about a 1 1/2 years old. I decided to sign up for Weight Watchers online to track all of my food intake, even the little bites. THAT is not fun, but it does make me aware. I have not went over any day and have not used my extra weekly points. I am determined to use these two awesome healthy lifestyle programs. My focus is for three months and a realistic goal. I am determined to plan my meals/snacks better and to drink more water. I have been amazed at a few things I have eaten and the very small size the high points they add up to!
Savannah summed it all up for me. She picked up my Hungry Girl cookbook this afternoon. She said "Momma this is a recipe book. You have to eat lots of healthy food and healthy water. You also have to go poo poo and pee pee in the potty a LOT! This child cracks me up! She makes it sound so simple doesn't she?
Saturday, January 22, 2011
22/365...2011 HOOT HOOT
This evening we finally left our house for the day! Savannah was much better and a happier little girl. Late this afternoon she helped clean her playroom and was excited to go to Walter Jacobs Park to see the Owls!
It was nice to meet up with many friends and their children. It was a beautiful, crisp cold night to walk the nature paths. We saw two of the three owls. One was Screech Owl and the other was Barred Owl. I loved the Screech Owl because it was so small. I think Eric and Savannah liked the large Barred Owl because we have two of these in trees at our home. Savannah wants a Screech Owl that she can pet and tickle!
Inside the building we saw many other cool things! (Bee Hive, numerous snakes, soft shell turtle and other preserved native animals. They even served us coffee, hot cocoa and cookies! Savannah says none of the animals scared her. She is a real outdoor girl who loves crunching thru the leaves as she holds a lantern to light her way down the path!
It was a great family evening and a great end to the past 24 hours that had not been near as fun! HOOT HOOT!
It was nice to meet up with many friends and their children. It was a beautiful, crisp cold night to walk the nature paths. We saw two of the three owls. One was Screech Owl and the other was Barred Owl. I loved the Screech Owl because it was so small. I think Eric and Savannah liked the large Barred Owl because we have two of these in trees at our home. Savannah wants a Screech Owl that she can pet and tickle!
Inside the building we saw many other cool things! (Bee Hive, numerous snakes, soft shell turtle and other preserved native animals. They even served us coffee, hot cocoa and cookies! Savannah says none of the animals scared her. She is a real outdoor girl who loves crunching thru the leaves as she holds a lantern to light her way down the path!
It was a great family evening and a great end to the past 24 hours that had not been near as fun! HOOT HOOT!
Friday, January 21, 2011
21/365... A Little Glitz and Glamour is good for a Girl!
Savannah did not go to sleep until very late last night. I was at BUNKO and when I got home expected to tiptoe in and things to be quiet. I was greeted at the door by a giggling little girl and her Daddy. They had too much fun while I was away. She was no where calm enough to hit the hay! After a bit, I took her to our bed, turned on a TV show and within 5 minutes she was out like a light.
I knew that this morning would come too soon for my little sleepy head. She still had 8 1/2 hours of sleep, but when I woke her up she was not eager to get up. The second I told her it was preschool circus day the jumped up so excited. Savannah was the tight rope walker. The next minute she said she was a ballerina. I have not ever seen a ballerina at a circus. She has not been to any other circus than the tent at the State fair. That scared her to death - the clowns that is. The last time she went into the circus tent she was about 2 1/2. I think my friend Liz and son Gavin also had the same experience! By the time we had purchased the cotton candy, the screaming began. Ever since then any clown, on TV, at a craft fair, at street festivals she was terrified. I was hoping that no preschool clown was going to scare her today.
Savannah looked precious. She wanted to wear makeup like the tight rope walkers do. I don't know how those crazy pageant Mom's do it - but it was a chore to me! She would not sit still enough for the mascara. Then she had to rub her eyes and looked like she had raccoon eyes. I put purple and sparkles on her eyes and she looked like a peacock she said. A sparkly round circle of pink blush on the cheeks, lip gloss and princess stick on earrings. Then I put her hair in a high pony tail, that was not easy either. It was worth it all when I took Savannah to the bathroom mirror to see herself. She had the biggest smile, hugged and kissed me and thanked me for making her so beautiful. I told her she was beautiful before we put that stuff on her face. She felt extra special in her pink tutu with striped leggings and twinkle toe light up tennis shoes.
I on the other hand did not look like a the Mother of a Princess. I had sweats, sweatshirt, uggs and glasses. It was cold and I was just focused on warmth and comfort.
Later this afternoon I took Savannah with me to look at Ball Gowns. She was so excited! She thought they were all so beautiful and just had to touch them all. I did not try on any today, but know that when I do get ready for the ball, I will feel just as special as Savannah did this morning! I look forward to having those special times with Savannah thru the years.
Today has been an extremely long and tough day for Savannah, despite the fun dress up. With not enough sleep last night, fighting it tonight she loses control and is an angry, exhausted little girl. I just pray this sweet child calms down soon and has sweet dreams of the princess she is.
I knew that this morning would come too soon for my little sleepy head. She still had 8 1/2 hours of sleep, but when I woke her up she was not eager to get up. The second I told her it was preschool circus day the jumped up so excited. Savannah was the tight rope walker. The next minute she said she was a ballerina. I have not ever seen a ballerina at a circus. She has not been to any other circus than the tent at the State fair. That scared her to death - the clowns that is. The last time she went into the circus tent she was about 2 1/2. I think my friend Liz and son Gavin also had the same experience! By the time we had purchased the cotton candy, the screaming began. Ever since then any clown, on TV, at a craft fair, at street festivals she was terrified. I was hoping that no preschool clown was going to scare her today.
Savannah looked precious. She wanted to wear makeup like the tight rope walkers do. I don't know how those crazy pageant Mom's do it - but it was a chore to me! She would not sit still enough for the mascara. Then she had to rub her eyes and looked like she had raccoon eyes. I put purple and sparkles on her eyes and she looked like a peacock she said. A sparkly round circle of pink blush on the cheeks, lip gloss and princess stick on earrings. Then I put her hair in a high pony tail, that was not easy either. It was worth it all when I took Savannah to the bathroom mirror to see herself. She had the biggest smile, hugged and kissed me and thanked me for making her so beautiful. I told her she was beautiful before we put that stuff on her face. She felt extra special in her pink tutu with striped leggings and twinkle toe light up tennis shoes.
I on the other hand did not look like a the Mother of a Princess. I had sweats, sweatshirt, uggs and glasses. It was cold and I was just focused on warmth and comfort.
Later this afternoon I took Savannah with me to look at Ball Gowns. She was so excited! She thought they were all so beautiful and just had to touch them all. I did not try on any today, but know that when I do get ready for the ball, I will feel just as special as Savannah did this morning! I look forward to having those special times with Savannah thru the years.
Today has been an extremely long and tough day for Savannah, despite the fun dress up. With not enough sleep last night, fighting it tonight she loses control and is an angry, exhausted little girl. I just pray this sweet child calms down soon and has sweet dreams of the princess she is.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
20/365...2011 Some things change and some stay the same!
Today was a windy, cold, rainy day that I would have preferred to stay in with Savannah. It wasn't possible because we needed milk and cornmeal. So we loaded up to go to our local Brookshires in Haughton. We wore our rainboots and had the big polka dot umbrella out. Savannah said it was a great day to be out! That's a child for you! They love jumping in puddles! She was a busy helper pushing her own cart in the store. The store was 75% rednecks today! Almost all of them had to say something to Savannah about how cute she was. They were loud ones, ones that bent down and got in her face and scared her, ones that made her laugh, several without any teeth and quiet a few with overalls!
Some things never change. At the age of 12 I moved to Alabama from Mississippi. I was told what a redneck was my first day at St. Elmo Middle School (Redneck country). I didn't get it for quiet a while! That was 1977 and my first memories of rednecks. They have been around as long as I remember and are still around to this day! I am not saying I am any better than they are. I am just saying we are all different. I was born in the deep south - Mississippi and lived there until age 12 and moved to Alabama.
At the age of 37 I married Eric and moved to Ohio. I thought there would be no Rednecks - WRONG! There were a few! Indiana I am not sure - probably were some. Kentucky - not really rednecks - just hillbillies!
Later today Savannah watched a movie of Spiderman that was Black and white. She thought the movie was broke. I started explaining to her that TV shows were black and white when I was a little girl. I told her we did not have TV remotes and that cartoons only came on Saturday mornings. Yogi Bear and Huckleberry Hound came on early Sunday morning before we left for Sunday School. I told her we only had 3 TV channels. Maybe 4 channels on a good day.
I can't wait to tell her more as she gets older! Things like:
I did not have cable TV till I was 16. Eric was an adult before he had cable or a color TV. My Mom never had a TV. We had to roll our own car windows down. I never had a car seat and did not wear a seat belt until I was driving my own car at the age of 15. Every place I bought gas for my car was a full service gas station. I did not pump my own gas until about the age of 20. There was no air conditioner in school (public or private school). Everybody we knew went to church. Every family did not own two cars. Most all of my friends had to share a bedroom with a sibling and they only had one bathroom in their home. We happen to have two after I was 12 years old. We did not have cordless phones. We had no computers in our home until I was about my mid 20's. We did not have saran wrap or paper plates that I ever remember until I was older. I did not grow up with McDonald's or drive thru restaurants until my teens. We did not have a microwave oven till I was a teenager. I owned a stereo and we played 8 track tapes and LP records. When I was older we had cassette tapes! We never owned an electric pencil sharpener. There were no flat irons for our hair. We would use a real clothes iron! We wrote checks to pay for things and used cash most of the time. There were no ATM cards. We did not grow up with our own playrooms. Our bedroom served both purposes. White gold and silver jewelry was not popular, Gold was what everyone wore! We wore add a bead necklaces, Izod shirts, belts, socks and hairbows. We ironed a crease in our bluejeans and bought our Levi's from the Army Navy surplus store. I started school in a small town in Mississippi. I was not admitted into public school in 1969. I went to a private school for 3 years. Once in public school, Integration meant all white kids had a black teacher and all black kids had a white teacher. At the movie theatres white kids went to the downstairs theatre while the black families had to go upstairs. One group went to one side of the snack bar and the others to the other side. We grew up thinking this was normal - and it was not normal, legal or fair. I grew up very naive and shy. When moving to the big city of Mobile, Al at the age of 12, you could drive out of my new, upper middle class neighborhood for 5 minutes and see a KKK cross burning on any Friday or Saturday night. Thank goodness I had parents who taught us to love everyone equal and not have hate in our hearts.
I could keep going. Thank goodness so many things have changed for good in my lifetime. I think I should start writing these things down! As fast as things change in this world, many people and things will stay the same. There will always be rednecks!
She will never believe them! Heck, most young Moms in my Moms groups would not believe it either!
Some things never change. At the age of 12 I moved to Alabama from Mississippi. I was told what a redneck was my first day at St. Elmo Middle School (Redneck country). I didn't get it for quiet a while! That was 1977 and my first memories of rednecks. They have been around as long as I remember and are still around to this day! I am not saying I am any better than they are. I am just saying we are all different. I was born in the deep south - Mississippi and lived there until age 12 and moved to Alabama.
At the age of 37 I married Eric and moved to Ohio. I thought there would be no Rednecks - WRONG! There were a few! Indiana I am not sure - probably were some. Kentucky - not really rednecks - just hillbillies!
Later today Savannah watched a movie of Spiderman that was Black and white. She thought the movie was broke. I started explaining to her that TV shows were black and white when I was a little girl. I told her we did not have TV remotes and that cartoons only came on Saturday mornings. Yogi Bear and Huckleberry Hound came on early Sunday morning before we left for Sunday School. I told her we only had 3 TV channels. Maybe 4 channels on a good day.
I can't wait to tell her more as she gets older! Things like:
I did not have cable TV till I was 16. Eric was an adult before he had cable or a color TV. My Mom never had a TV. We had to roll our own car windows down. I never had a car seat and did not wear a seat belt until I was driving my own car at the age of 15. Every place I bought gas for my car was a full service gas station. I did not pump my own gas until about the age of 20. There was no air conditioner in school (public or private school). Everybody we knew went to church. Every family did not own two cars. Most all of my friends had to share a bedroom with a sibling and they only had one bathroom in their home. We happen to have two after I was 12 years old. We did not have cordless phones. We had no computers in our home until I was about my mid 20's. We did not have saran wrap or paper plates that I ever remember until I was older. I did not grow up with McDonald's or drive thru restaurants until my teens. We did not have a microwave oven till I was a teenager. I owned a stereo and we played 8 track tapes and LP records. When I was older we had cassette tapes! We never owned an electric pencil sharpener. There were no flat irons for our hair. We would use a real clothes iron! We wrote checks to pay for things and used cash most of the time. There were no ATM cards. We did not grow up with our own playrooms. Our bedroom served both purposes. White gold and silver jewelry was not popular, Gold was what everyone wore! We wore add a bead necklaces, Izod shirts, belts, socks and hairbows. We ironed a crease in our bluejeans and bought our Levi's from the Army Navy surplus store. I started school in a small town in Mississippi. I was not admitted into public school in 1969. I went to a private school for 3 years. Once in public school, Integration meant all white kids had a black teacher and all black kids had a white teacher. At the movie theatres white kids went to the downstairs theatre while the black families had to go upstairs. One group went to one side of the snack bar and the others to the other side. We grew up thinking this was normal - and it was not normal, legal or fair. I grew up very naive and shy. When moving to the big city of Mobile, Al at the age of 12, you could drive out of my new, upper middle class neighborhood for 5 minutes and see a KKK cross burning on any Friday or Saturday night. Thank goodness I had parents who taught us to love everyone equal and not have hate in our hearts.
I could keep going. Thank goodness so many things have changed for good in my lifetime. I think I should start writing these things down! As fast as things change in this world, many people and things will stay the same. There will always be rednecks!
She will never believe them! Heck, most young Moms in my Moms groups would not believe it either!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
19/365...2011 Greater Things...
This morning as I was driving Savannah to preschool I heard the most beautiful some on KLove radio. The words were : "greater things are yet to come, greater things are still to be done". It really got me to thinking. No matter how tough days we have, there is always someone else who is having a tougher day. When we have what we think is the best day of our life, someone else is always having their worst. God knows the plans He has for us. We have to keep our head up and do the best we can.
Nine days ago we had a tough night with Savannah and her "poopy" training issue. She had been potty trained for going pee pee for 10 months. The day after this tough night, I broke thru that wall. She has not only went poopy in the potty since. Sure, she held it for 2 days and nothing happened. She took enough pedialax that she was bound to have to go poopy! When she told me she was ready, there was not a happier Mom in this neighborhood, and she knew it! I am trying really hard to do more positive reinforcement. Ever since that experience she has "taken care of business" like a big girl. On Monday I went out for a while and when I returned, Eric told me she went by herself and then yelled for him to come check it out. When I bragged to her, she said "Mom, its no big deal"! Yes to most people its no big deal. To a Momma who has fought this battle for at least the past 6 months, it is a very big deal!
Today was Savannah's first day back at preschool since the big day and she had to tell everyone! We continued to have a great day. I did nothing different from any other day. At least 3 times this afternoon I was told what an awesome and sweet Momma I was. I decided not to fight the issue tonight over if I put her to bed or if she needed to wait to see Eric. The night was nice and calm. She asked if I would make a fire in the fireplace while she had her bath. We had played in the yard and on the trampoline and were a bit cold. We had dinner by the fire and laughed and giggled. She watched TV in our bedroom while I cleaned the kitchen. When Eric came home from his dinner meeting, she ran out and told her Daddy she and her Mommy had a great day! She still needed her one on one Daddy time to go snuggle with her. That's fine, I know she loves her Daddy and he loves her very much. I need to accept that this is a "good thing" and not fight it.
Yes , today I did nothing different from any other day. It's just all part of God's plan that I will never quiet understand. I just have to trust and treat every day as a new day that God has given us.
This morning I read on Kay Arthur - Christian writer's facebook page : "
25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
26 My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.
Nine days ago we had a tough night with Savannah and her "poopy" training issue. She had been potty trained for going pee pee for 10 months. The day after this tough night, I broke thru that wall. She has not only went poopy in the potty since. Sure, she held it for 2 days and nothing happened. She took enough pedialax that she was bound to have to go poopy! When she told me she was ready, there was not a happier Mom in this neighborhood, and she knew it! I am trying really hard to do more positive reinforcement. Ever since that experience she has "taken care of business" like a big girl. On Monday I went out for a while and when I returned, Eric told me she went by herself and then yelled for him to come check it out. When I bragged to her, she said "Mom, its no big deal"! Yes to most people its no big deal. To a Momma who has fought this battle for at least the past 6 months, it is a very big deal!
Today was Savannah's first day back at preschool since the big day and she had to tell everyone! We continued to have a great day. I did nothing different from any other day. At least 3 times this afternoon I was told what an awesome and sweet Momma I was. I decided not to fight the issue tonight over if I put her to bed or if she needed to wait to see Eric. The night was nice and calm. She asked if I would make a fire in the fireplace while she had her bath. We had played in the yard and on the trampoline and were a bit cold. We had dinner by the fire and laughed and giggled. She watched TV in our bedroom while I cleaned the kitchen. When Eric came home from his dinner meeting, she ran out and told her Daddy she and her Mommy had a great day! She still needed her one on one Daddy time to go snuggle with her. That's fine, I know she loves her Daddy and he loves her very much. I need to accept that this is a "good thing" and not fight it.
Yes , today I did nothing different from any other day. It's just all part of God's plan that I will never quiet understand. I just have to trust and treat every day as a new day that God has given us.
This morning I read on Kay Arthur - Christian writer's facebook page : "
Kay Arthur
When God is our focus, everything else - including self- has to take a back seat. He is the only One we have to please. Isn't that refreshing? We don't have to be afraid that such an attitude will make us hard or unloving or uncaring. What God works out in our lives will reflect His character, His likeness... His imprint. Read Psalm 73:25
How refreshing it is to know that God is the only one I have to please. When I please Him and seek His will, the greater good will be done for everyone around me.
Psalm 73:25-26 (New International Version, ©2010)
25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
26 My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
18/365...2011 Are You Serious?
Everyone knows by now I am so ready for this month to be over with! I am so DONE with it!
All I have ever wanted to be was a good person, a wife and a Mother. It took me FOREVER for this to happen. Age 37 and then age 42. One would think I prayed long and hard about both and I would be good at it. I am not aiming for great - just the best I can be and learning as I go. This month the days start wonderfully and by evening - all hell seems to break lose if I don't have Savannah to sleep by 7:30 or before her Daddy gets home. I am the bad Mom, the wicked witch! My child is sweet and precious - but I think she needs to realize that as a child she can still break your heart. She can also melt your heart with her hugs, kisses and beautiful smile. These tough times are just a tiny portion of our day. Maybe she needs someone to have to share her time with. I don't know if its best to be an only child or not. I only want what is best for her and for us. I only know that my friends with more than one child do not deal with these issues.
She cracks me up most of the day! This morning she told me she did not want to watch "Handy Manny" because he was too fake! We all know that's true! Later today she told me I felt soft, was pretty and gave good kisses.
After a wonderful morning taking Savannah to Kid City to play with friends and me to have some Mommy time with my friends, I treated her to lunch at McDonald's. We came home, ate lunch, played games, watched a movie for quiet time and had a snack of popcorn. I stood on my feet all afternoon preparing 5 meals for what I thought was a 5 person meal exchange, only to find out at the end of the day that it is just 3 of us. Fine, whatever, no big deal I tell myself, let it go. So what if you have 4 Cranberry Chickens in your freezer! So what if you still need to go to the grocery store and prepare meals for this week. I tell myself to "chill out"! Yes I am tired, Yes my feet hurt - but "chill, chill", I say! Do I want to eat the dinner I prepared of Cranberry Chicken, green beens and ginger rice? The answer is heck no!
I have friends all around me who lately are dealing with issues of other adults trying to take advantage of them, trying to get something for free (freeloading) or just plain old stealing. It is hard to watch. Never in return giving back to those who always seem to be helping them. Sometimes people seem to try to take advantage of those of us who are older. People think money grows on our trees. It does not. We have worked hard for what we have, have sacrificed and saved. There are people in this world who have learned how to "work the system". Many of these people drive fine cars, have the latest electronics and the newest of the latest fad. I feel that so many people today have no morales and no values. To be quiet honest people do not give me discounts when I order products from them, so why should I be expected to? I had a Mom friend today telling me about her 8 year old daughter constantly saying "its just not fair"! I think I can relate to her daughter!
I have wonderful friends who are loving and are there for me. I have friends all around the country younger and older than I am. I am not perfect, they are not perfect, but we do seem to be able to exist and go thru the years together. I have parents who were always there for each other, thru alcoholism, sickness, good times of finance and tough times. Thru thick and thin. My parents were/are good people - I am proud of the things they taught us! I have an amazing husband who works hard all day to provide a great life for us. I am truly blessed.
I am going to blame this all on my parents! After all that's what our kids will do to us one day, right? My parents were strict and very loving. If they told us something, we better well do it or die trying LOL! My Daddy was a Marine in his younger years, my Momma was from a very large family and she was one of the oldest. There was not time to play around. Maybe that's where they learned how to parent. I took things I learned from them and applied it to working with youth in ministry. I think I have some pretty fabulous adults who many were wild and crazy Jr high and teens. They range in age from college students today to adults in their late 20's. They still love me to this day. They are well adjusted adults, hard working and many are parents. From Alabama, Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. I loved them, was honest with them and told then like it was. No room for farting around as Daddy would say! I was not there just to lead and please them. I was there to teach them the Truths of the Bible, to be loving and accepting. I was not there to judge them.
So maybe its all my problem. I have lost some patience and tolerance. I need to be more forgiving. Maybe I just need to live in my own little bubble for a while till I figure this whole thing out. I will try hard to focus on the Serenity Prayer and to live it! 13 more days in this MONTH!
All I have ever wanted to be was a good person, a wife and a Mother. It took me FOREVER for this to happen. Age 37 and then age 42. One would think I prayed long and hard about both and I would be good at it. I am not aiming for great - just the best I can be and learning as I go. This month the days start wonderfully and by evening - all hell seems to break lose if I don't have Savannah to sleep by 7:30 or before her Daddy gets home. I am the bad Mom, the wicked witch! My child is sweet and precious - but I think she needs to realize that as a child she can still break your heart. She can also melt your heart with her hugs, kisses and beautiful smile. These tough times are just a tiny portion of our day. Maybe she needs someone to have to share her time with. I don't know if its best to be an only child or not. I only want what is best for her and for us. I only know that my friends with more than one child do not deal with these issues.
She cracks me up most of the day! This morning she told me she did not want to watch "Handy Manny" because he was too fake! We all know that's true! Later today she told me I felt soft, was pretty and gave good kisses.
After a wonderful morning taking Savannah to Kid City to play with friends and me to have some Mommy time with my friends, I treated her to lunch at McDonald's. We came home, ate lunch, played games, watched a movie for quiet time and had a snack of popcorn. I stood on my feet all afternoon preparing 5 meals for what I thought was a 5 person meal exchange, only to find out at the end of the day that it is just 3 of us. Fine, whatever, no big deal I tell myself, let it go. So what if you have 4 Cranberry Chickens in your freezer! So what if you still need to go to the grocery store and prepare meals for this week. I tell myself to "chill out"! Yes I am tired, Yes my feet hurt - but "chill, chill", I say! Do I want to eat the dinner I prepared of Cranberry Chicken, green beens and ginger rice? The answer is heck no!
I have friends all around me who lately are dealing with issues of other adults trying to take advantage of them, trying to get something for free (freeloading) or just plain old stealing. It is hard to watch. Never in return giving back to those who always seem to be helping them. Sometimes people seem to try to take advantage of those of us who are older. People think money grows on our trees. It does not. We have worked hard for what we have, have sacrificed and saved. There are people in this world who have learned how to "work the system". Many of these people drive fine cars, have the latest electronics and the newest of the latest fad. I feel that so many people today have no morales and no values. To be quiet honest people do not give me discounts when I order products from them, so why should I be expected to? I had a Mom friend today telling me about her 8 year old daughter constantly saying "its just not fair"! I think I can relate to her daughter!
I have wonderful friends who are loving and are there for me. I have friends all around the country younger and older than I am. I am not perfect, they are not perfect, but we do seem to be able to exist and go thru the years together. I have parents who were always there for each other, thru alcoholism, sickness, good times of finance and tough times. Thru thick and thin. My parents were/are good people - I am proud of the things they taught us! I have an amazing husband who works hard all day to provide a great life for us. I am truly blessed.
I am going to blame this all on my parents! After all that's what our kids will do to us one day, right? My parents were strict and very loving. If they told us something, we better well do it or die trying LOL! My Daddy was a Marine in his younger years, my Momma was from a very large family and she was one of the oldest. There was not time to play around. Maybe that's where they learned how to parent. I took things I learned from them and applied it to working with youth in ministry. I think I have some pretty fabulous adults who many were wild and crazy Jr high and teens. They range in age from college students today to adults in their late 20's. They still love me to this day. They are well adjusted adults, hard working and many are parents. From Alabama, Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. I loved them, was honest with them and told then like it was. No room for farting around as Daddy would say! I was not there just to lead and please them. I was there to teach them the Truths of the Bible, to be loving and accepting. I was not there to judge them.
So maybe its all my problem. I have lost some patience and tolerance. I need to be more forgiving. Maybe I just need to live in my own little bubble for a while till I figure this whole thing out. I will try hard to focus on the Serenity Prayer and to live it! 13 more days in this MONTH!
Monday, January 17, 2011
17/365...2011 It's Nice to be Surprised
Yesterday was a long gloomy rainy day in more ways than one. I don't know about you, but I need a dose of happiness and sunshine! Last night it seemed like forever before we could sit down together.
This morning I woke up early and saw Eric sitting at his computer. This is very normal to see around 6 am as he is preparing for his day at work. Most mornings I think he leaves between 6:15 and 6:45. I crawled back in the warm bed and dozed back off to sleep. Savannah woke up early and came and crawled in our bed. A bit later, I noticed that Savannah was no longer in our bed and Eric was snoozing! He woke up and told me he had taken the day off. Eric said he was going to stay home and help out with Savannah today! THIS was a wonderful surprise. Very simple, but very thoughtful and worth more than you can imagine to me. I let Eric go back to sleep and I went to check on Savannah. She was very self sufficient for an almost 4 year old this morning. She had picked out Madagascar the Movie, put it in the DVD player in her playroom by standing on small box. She pressed play by taking a felt flower from a bouquet that Lindsey Fell caught at Liz and Doug's wedding a few years ago. She took the flower and used it to reach up to press the play button. Pretty creative! She went to the fridge and got out her sippy cup with milk in it!
It was still rainy and gloomy outside, but the mood around my heart was becoming full of sunshine. I drank my Spark and a cup of hot tea and enjoyed every second of it. I started washing and folding clothes and enjoyed watching the Today show! Savannah quiet in her room watching a movie and Eric sleeping soundly in the bed.

It wasn't long before Eric told me to do something for myself today. I am so blessed to have Eric in my life. He has never been one to surprise me with things. He gets so excited any gift he orders he tells me before it comes in! He totally understands when I am drained, sad and need time for myself. So - I got to choose my day. I took a very long soaking bath in my jacuzzi tub this morning. Later I enjoyed a very long lunch with sweet friends, running simple errands and just browsing a couple of stores all by myself. Nothing extra special. I did not need a pedicure or anything like that. I just needed time to myself.
Eric also received a special day. He and his baby girl spent a special day together sharing lunch, movies, snacks, playing games, reading books and they say they cleaned the playroom. You can never tell as it gets messy again within an hour.
I came home to both of them giving me hugs and kisses and a home that was still in order!
This evening I will again go enjoy some quiet time watching TV and organizing in my bedroom while Eric is away at a meeting.
I really think I like surprises and the sunshine it brings to my life this time of year especially! Eric and Savannah are my sunshine!
This morning I woke up early and saw Eric sitting at his computer. This is very normal to see around 6 am as he is preparing for his day at work. Most mornings I think he leaves between 6:15 and 6:45. I crawled back in the warm bed and dozed back off to sleep. Savannah woke up early and came and crawled in our bed. A bit later, I noticed that Savannah was no longer in our bed and Eric was snoozing! He woke up and told me he had taken the day off. Eric said he was going to stay home and help out with Savannah today! THIS was a wonderful surprise. Very simple, but very thoughtful and worth more than you can imagine to me. I let Eric go back to sleep and I went to check on Savannah. She was very self sufficient for an almost 4 year old this morning. She had picked out Madagascar the Movie, put it in the DVD player in her playroom by standing on small box. She pressed play by taking a felt flower from a bouquet that Lindsey Fell caught at Liz and Doug's wedding a few years ago. She took the flower and used it to reach up to press the play button. Pretty creative! She went to the fridge and got out her sippy cup with milk in it!
It was still rainy and gloomy outside, but the mood around my heart was becoming full of sunshine. I drank my Spark and a cup of hot tea and enjoyed every second of it. I started washing and folding clothes and enjoyed watching the Today show! Savannah quiet in her room watching a movie and Eric sleeping soundly in the bed.

It wasn't long before Eric told me to do something for myself today. I am so blessed to have Eric in my life. He has never been one to surprise me with things. He gets so excited any gift he orders he tells me before it comes in! He totally understands when I am drained, sad and need time for myself. So - I got to choose my day. I took a very long soaking bath in my jacuzzi tub this morning. Later I enjoyed a very long lunch with sweet friends, running simple errands and just browsing a couple of stores all by myself. Nothing extra special. I did not need a pedicure or anything like that. I just needed time to myself.
Eric also received a special day. He and his baby girl spent a special day together sharing lunch, movies, snacks, playing games, reading books and they say they cleaned the playroom. You can never tell as it gets messy again within an hour.
I came home to both of them giving me hugs and kisses and a home that was still in order!
This evening I will again go enjoy some quiet time watching TV and organizing in my bedroom while Eric is away at a meeting.
I really think I like surprises and the sunshine it brings to my life this time of year especially! Eric and Savannah are my sunshine!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
16/365...2011 I Need a Weekend!
My definition of a weekend use to be a time to hang out, a time to rest, a time to do something fun together as a family and worshiping together at church. I don't think we have had very many of those lately. And to make it even worse this is a 3 day weekend - but only for Savannah and I. This is not a day off for Eric. I wish we had a 3 day weekend each week, especially with all of the hours Eric works. It seems as if we never get any projects completed, never all rooms of the house cleaned and organized at the same time. I am sure this is the same for many families.
This weekend, all three of us have had different social events, all fun - but all pretty much separate. Eric works every Saturday morning on his Mardi Gras Float, I went to an evening painting class with a friend and Savannah had a birthday party at SciPort on Sunday afternoon. It was not a bad weekend, but just not what I visioned in my brain it would be.
Saturday morning while Eric was away, I cleaned and cooked spaghetti and meatballs. I worked on craft projects along side of Savannah. I promised her an afternoon of Target shopping and Baskin Robbins ice cream. It rained all day and when we got to those stores the electricity was out. Not what I promised or planned for the weekend. Sunday morning I worked hard cleaning, putting away clothes, cooking a good bfast , only to have no one eat what I cooked and the house was a mess when I stopped to go wrap a birthday present and put my make-up on. Friday night we did have a nice dinner together at home and made smores by the fire (which no one ate).
By Sunday evening I get a little envious of seeing posts of other families, who went out of town for the 3 day weekend, went out to dinner together as a family, went to the movies together, had family over for dinner, had a date night (Eric and I did have a great date night last weekend). I was homesick from all my former churches and church family from Al, OH, IN and KY who posted about being at church today. We have to just jump in at a United Methodist Church here and go with it. This has been the hardest move ever to find a place to fit in for church, but the easiest move to make friends. Totally unlike any other place we have lived as a family. I have a great MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group and Bible Study group, but I am about to have to drop that due to Savannah's preschool schedule on Wednesday mornings.
For some reason I am just a bit sad about too many little things today. Maybe its because it has rained for a few days and been cold. Maybe its because it is January - the least favorite month of the year for me for several reasons. Maybe hormones also have something to do with it. I don't think I am the only Mom who has these feelings this month of not being my best self. I did get a chuckle as we left the birthday party this afternoon at Sciport Childrens museum . A friend and her son were leaving as we were. He looked at me and said "My Mom is being mean to me". Savannah said, "My Mommy too"! I asked her why she thought I was being mean. She said because I was making her go home. We had been there for 3 hours and 15 minutes! Sounds to me like I had been a good mommy!
Now I will count down the last half of January and get to February as fast as I can. January is the month that my Daddy passed away and he was buried in February. I had my first fertility treatments that same year and month. I seem to take everything that happens too personal when I am in this mindset. I seem to let these sad memories get to me each year this same time. I will go into each day left in January and look for the blessings or memories of each new day and opportunity that God has for my family and I. I will strive to continue to make each day special for each of us and look for opportunities for us to do as many things together as possible.
This weekend, all three of us have had different social events, all fun - but all pretty much separate. Eric works every Saturday morning on his Mardi Gras Float, I went to an evening painting class with a friend and Savannah had a birthday party at SciPort on Sunday afternoon. It was not a bad weekend, but just not what I visioned in my brain it would be.
Saturday morning while Eric was away, I cleaned and cooked spaghetti and meatballs. I worked on craft projects along side of Savannah. I promised her an afternoon of Target shopping and Baskin Robbins ice cream. It rained all day and when we got to those stores the electricity was out. Not what I promised or planned for the weekend. Sunday morning I worked hard cleaning, putting away clothes, cooking a good bfast , only to have no one eat what I cooked and the house was a mess when I stopped to go wrap a birthday present and put my make-up on. Friday night we did have a nice dinner together at home and made smores by the fire (which no one ate).
By Sunday evening I get a little envious of seeing posts of other families, who went out of town for the 3 day weekend, went out to dinner together as a family, went to the movies together, had family over for dinner, had a date night (Eric and I did have a great date night last weekend). I was homesick from all my former churches and church family from Al, OH, IN and KY who posted about being at church today. We have to just jump in at a United Methodist Church here and go with it. This has been the hardest move ever to find a place to fit in for church, but the easiest move to make friends. Totally unlike any other place we have lived as a family. I have a great MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group and Bible Study group, but I am about to have to drop that due to Savannah's preschool schedule on Wednesday mornings.
For some reason I am just a bit sad about too many little things today. Maybe its because it has rained for a few days and been cold. Maybe its because it is January - the least favorite month of the year for me for several reasons. Maybe hormones also have something to do with it. I don't think I am the only Mom who has these feelings this month of not being my best self. I did get a chuckle as we left the birthday party this afternoon at Sciport Childrens museum . A friend and her son were leaving as we were. He looked at me and said "My Mom is being mean to me". Savannah said, "My Mommy too"! I asked her why she thought I was being mean. She said because I was making her go home. We had been there for 3 hours and 15 minutes! Sounds to me like I had been a good mommy!
Now I will count down the last half of January and get to February as fast as I can. January is the month that my Daddy passed away and he was buried in February. I had my first fertility treatments that same year and month. I seem to take everything that happens too personal when I am in this mindset. I seem to let these sad memories get to me each year this same time. I will go into each day left in January and look for the blessings or memories of each new day and opportunity that God has for my family and I. I will strive to continue to make each day special for each of us and look for opportunities for us to do as many things together as possible.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
15/365...2011 Art day~
Growing up as a teenager my Mom and I always has some sort of craft project we were working on. Tshirts, flowers, painting, ornaments, macrame planters or purses, ceramics, hair bows, woodwork painting with my Daddy and many other things. One year we even made all of this country stuff to sell at a craft fair. We made geese paper towel holders, geese this and geese that, ducks, bears and very little of it sold. We had to give the stuff away! My Momma sewed beautiful matching clothes for my sister and I growing up that I did not appreciate at the time. My Daddy learned to create beautiful things in his woodworking area. My sister Becky, I don't think she was ever into arts and crafts as her social life! She had one and I did not. (Now its quiet the opposite!) My Daddy even took watercolor painting after he retired. His work is amazing and I cherish it more each day. He never knew he had that talent in him. I often wonder if he did, what a different life he would have had.
I took art class in high school. After school I took oil painting classes. I loved every minute of it. It was a great hobby that took up lots of time when you were a shy teen without a social life! As an adult I continued making things. Whenever there was an art show in town my family was usually there when the doors opened! After getting married, we had such large homes with extra rooms and full basements that I had a crafting room. The first time I went to buy curtains for our new home I was in shock. The cost was approx $800 for two rooms. The design team was from J C Penney and it was 2002! The next day I went out and purchased a $125 sewing machine and a $15 "pattern for dummies". I really want to learn how to do more, but the classes that are offered in my area are not at a time I could take them. So, I need a friend to come hang out with me and teach me a few simple things!
In 2007 before Savannah was born I sold almost all of my art/craft items. I knew my new focus would be on being a Mom. I have not had time since then to be creative like I was before. Instead I focused my creativity on planning play dates, parties and events all around toddlers. I have always encouraged Savannah's inner artist. She took art classes at the age of 2. She has an art closet and an art bag that she is very proud of. At this age she loves to paint, cut with scissors and glue!

I took art class in high school. After school I took oil painting classes. I loved every minute of it. It was a great hobby that took up lots of time when you were a shy teen without a social life! As an adult I continued making things. Whenever there was an art show in town my family was usually there when the doors opened! After getting married, we had such large homes with extra rooms and full basements that I had a crafting room. The first time I went to buy curtains for our new home I was in shock. The cost was approx $800 for two rooms. The design team was from J C Penney and it was 2002! The next day I went out and purchased a $125 sewing machine and a $15 "pattern for dummies". I really want to learn how to do more, but the classes that are offered in my area are not at a time I could take them. So, I need a friend to come hang out with me and teach me a few simple things!
In 2007 before Savannah was born I sold almost all of my art/craft items. I knew my new focus would be on being a Mom. I have not had time since then to be creative like I was before. Instead I focused my creativity on planning play dates, parties and events all around toddlers. I have always encouraged Savannah's inner artist. She took art classes at the age of 2. She has an art closet and an art bag that she is very proud of. At this age she loves to paint, cut with scissors and glue!
Today we both were a bit creative. I painted a fun wine glass for a dear friend. Tonight I went and painted a silly picture of a dog named "FAT OSCAR"!
Friday, January 14, 2011
14/365...2011 The Importance of Tradition
Tradition: the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, information, etc., from generation to generation, esp. by word of mouth or by practice: a story that has come down to us by popular tradition. Traditions bring us closer.
Its been a very busy week for Eric. Savannah did not see her Daddy on Tue, Wed, or Thur this week because he worked late. She was so excited for tonight and to make smores with her Daddy! She is a Daddy's girl.
Everyone that knows me knows that I am all about carrying down and creating traditions. My parents carried many things from both sides of their families as well as creating new traditions for my sister and I.
As a Brownie, Girl Scout and member of a United Methodist Youth Group I made smores at many events. As Director of Youth Groups I did this with many teenagers over the years. I loved the memories and special times. As a child I never remember making them with my family. My Mom does not remember us making them. She says it was probably my sister and I that taught them how to do it. Either way, this is a tradition I wanted to carry down from my memories and create in our small family. I talk much more about this than Eric does. We need to talk more about them and bring ones from each side of our families. We may be a small family, but I want us to be full of memories, traditions and all things that are important to family.
I created the platter with all the necessary ingredients while Eric started the fire in the fireplace. He seemed to be a pro making the special tool needed from the two metal coat hangers I found in the back of the closet. Savannah was excited. I had the camera all ready to document every second.
I placed the toasted marshmallows on the graham cracker with the Hershey chocolate. I mushed it together and it oozed all over the plate - yummy!
Savannah touched it and that was about it. She instead took a piece of Hershey chocolate and a marshmallow. She said they were too sticky - the smores! She told me all about them. I asked her how she knew. She said my cousins taught me all about them. I immediately started texting them. Haley said they made them once a while back at their home! Where was I? How did I miss this important event? After all, you only create your first smore once in your life! If she had to have her first smore with anyone in the world I would want it to be with Thomas, Chase and Haley! They are the ones who taught her the tradition they had as little kids of doing a but drop on an air mattress!
The evening was not what I planned, but it was a special night by the fire with two of the most special people in my life. Those that make my life worth living, smores or not!
Continue reading to learn more about the importance of traditions
Traditions Bind FamiliesTraditions are an important part of family life. Traditions bind families together. When families set aside time for functions, they are essentially creating opportunities for unique interactions. It is during these times that family members are able to talk about the current happenings of their lives, the feelings associated with them, as well as exchange ideas. This time together creates an opportunity for families to have dialogue that might otherwise not take place. Research suggests that families gain greater feelings of closeness, belonging and connection between generations as family traditions are acted out and passed on. In having set customs, rituals, or time together as a family, the family unit grows stronger.
Traditions Benefit Children
Traditions Benefit Children
The effects that traditions have on children are substantial. Children benefit tremendously from the feelings of unity and connectedness that are manifested through tradition. Research shows that the more often families eat together, the less likely kids are to smoke, drink, do drugs, get depressed, develop eating disorders and consider suicide, and the more likely they are to do well in school, delay having sex, eat their vegetables, learn extensive vocabulary, and decipher between which fork to use. Furthermore, kids who eat most often with their parents are 40% more likely to say they get mainly A's and B's in school than kids who have two or fewer family dinners a week. Children thrive as a result of family tradition, even those that may seem simplistic or mundane. When families adopt traditions, children are able to sense a commitment to family that helps them to make healthy and balanced life choices.
Traditions Serve as Markers
In addition to feelings of intimacy, traditions make it easier for family members to recall experiences shared. Traditions serve as markers. When families make a habit of spending a certain amount of time together, the memories seem to become automatically linked to those traditions or customs. With traditions as markers, we are able to commit to memory those special events or instances that might otherwise be forgotten.
New Traditions
If a family commits to spending a certain time together, the possibility for more traditions to develop as a result is very likely.
Bringing Your Family Together
You may be wondering which traditions are right for you and your family. Consider a past time that will bring your family closer together. Begin by taking inventory of the activities your family enjoys doing together. Remember that it is an opportunity to influence your children. Finally, make the most of your tradition so that you can recall wonderful memories. Strong families find that opportunities for quality time occur as they spend quantity time together. I encourage you to set up a family tradition of your own. You will look back on the moments shared with your family with great joy.
Traditions Serve as Markers
In addition to feelings of intimacy, traditions make it easier for family members to recall experiences shared. Traditions serve as markers. When families make a habit of spending a certain amount of time together, the memories seem to become automatically linked to those traditions or customs. With traditions as markers, we are able to commit to memory those special events or instances that might otherwise be forgotten.
New Traditions
If a family commits to spending a certain time together, the possibility for more traditions to develop as a result is very likely.
Bringing Your Family Together
You may be wondering which traditions are right for you and your family. Consider a past time that will bring your family closer together. Begin by taking inventory of the activities your family enjoys doing together. Remember that it is an opportunity to influence your children. Finally, make the most of your tradition so that you can recall wonderful memories. Strong families find that opportunities for quality time occur as they spend quantity time together. I encourage you to set up a family tradition of your own. You will look back on the moments shared with your family with great joy.
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