Today was show and tell day. Every Wednesday at preschool is the most exciting for Savannah. The night before we put our thinking caps on to find the object that matches with the weeks letter they are learning. This week is the letter "R" Last night I was thinking rat, (like Mickey Mouse), Eric thought of Racoon (the one in a blue dress that Nana gave to Savannah). She said she had a better idea. It was her RAPUNZEL doll that Santa brought her for Christmas! She had always wanted to take it to preschool, but had no real reason until today! This morning when I woke her up she was ready in no time to start her special day. On the way to preschool we started a new game this week. On our 15 minute drive, I name words and she has to tell me what letter they start with and another letter in the word. She is getting real good doing this!
I work with her some, but I am going to give the majority of the credit to the Leapfrog Learning DVD. Her favorite sings the song, Every Letter Makes a sound the A says ah, the B says ba.... and all thru the alphabet!
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
46/365...2011 It's a Good Day Day for a Tea party
This morning Savannah woke up and jumped out of bed. She told me to just relax, she had a surprise for me. I could hear she was in the cabinet where her tea set is kept. When I got up a few minutes later, she had the tea cups for four, tea pot, saucers and sugar and creamer set out. I put a towel/tablecloth on her small table and made her some fruit tea. I put sugar in the sugar bowl with valentine sprinkles. In the creamer I poured vanilla soy milk. YUMMY is what she said! Some days in our home, quiet often are just perfect for tea parties!
45/365...2011 (Monday February 14) "Let Me Call You Sweetheart"
"Let me call you sweetheart, I'm in love with you, Let me hear you whisper that you love me too, Let me call you sweetheart, I'm in love with you"!
Happy Valentines Day 2011 to the Haag's
Today was all it should have been and more! Savannah had preschool and gymnastics today. This afternoon she delivered her cupcakes to Garret, Anna Cate, Gabby and Mrs. Marnie. Today she said Garett was her boyfriend. It's all because he played dodge ball with her last week. She said he hit her with the ball because he loves her and that's what you do when you play dodge ball in your sisters bedroom! If I could secure the Schembers as our future in laws one day many years in the future that would be all right with us. Can we bring back this custom of promising your daughter to who she will marry? She did tell me that a date is when you went somewhere with someone and she had not had a date yet with anyone other than her Mommy and Daddy!
This evening we had a great healthy dinner of Curried Roasted Chicken salad over a bed of fruit and fresh spinach. Chocolate covered strawberries with my two sweethearts over candlelight made the evening very special. Our home is full of two bouquets of flowers. Eric brought one home for each of us! Usually we share, not any more! I have a beautiful Fleur de lis watch and sunglasses that I picked as a special gift also. Savannah and I gave Eric workout towels and a beautiful framed silhouette of her that we made. Mom sent Savannah a sweet valentine card with money! Maw Maw's card said for me to take her shopping or to McDonald's. Savannah said we would be going to Chuck E Cheese. YUCK, I must really love this little girl to take her to that crazy place!
The house was full of little girl valentine gifts. Most of them were new art supplies for her art bag, a bit of candy, snoopy dog and a new Sing A Ma Jig that sings "Let Me Call You Sweetheart"!
44/365...2011 (Sunday February 13) Now You See Me, Now You Don't!
Sunday afternoon as Savannah and I were watching Huckleberry Hound she learned a new word. The word was Camouflage! I was impressed that she really understood it. She hid under the rug and told me she was camouflaged.
A bit later in the afternoon, she was playing in her art supplies and had her back to me. She very proudly came over to show me her face. She had her black stamp pad and was making camouflage marks all over her face. Pretty smart girl! She not only understands the new words she learns, but most all the time puts them into action! Thank goodness I only buy washable crayons, markers, paint and stamp ink!
A bit later in the afternoon, she was playing in her art supplies and had her back to me. She very proudly came over to show me her face. She had her black stamp pad and was making camouflage marks all over her face. Pretty smart girl! She not only understands the new words she learns, but most all the time puts them into action! Thank goodness I only buy washable crayons, markers, paint and stamp ink!
43/365...2011 (Saturday Feb 12)
The day finally arrived! Eric's Krewe of Centaur Mardi Gras Ball here in Shreveport. La. This Mardi Gras Krewe has more than 400 members and 40 floats. It is the largest parading Krewe in Shreveport and the second largest in Louisiana. This is much larger than Krewe de la Dauphine that we were members of on Dauphin, Island (Mobile, AL area) for many years. The theme was Carnival and it was the 20th anniversary celebration for tonight's ball!
It had been a very long time since we had any excuse to get all fancied up! I had searched hard for two weeks to find a ballgown. Next year, I will search in a larger city to avoid the painful process that I had searching here. I wore a beautiful turquoise and rhinestone gown. Rhinestone jewelry, my new rhinestone watch from Gaudy Girl shop and rhinestone and silver shoes. Eric wore a Black tuxedo and went all out wearing his Rolex for a change. The Balls in the Mobile and New Orleans areas are much more strict and formal. Your gown has to touch the floor, and it has to be a specific tuxedo tails or you will be turned away at the door.
We had a great evening, everyone at our table was so nice and the show was fabulous! The band was rocking the place and the food was yummy. I can't say the $25 bottle of wine the city was selling was worth that much. But every penny we put into purchasing our tickets, clothes, Lauren our babysitter for the evening and all the other accessories were worth every penny. Sometimes you just have to get all fancied up and be Cinderella with your Prince Charming at the Ball! Next year we hope that many of our friends join us for this grand event. The Mardi Gras parade is coming up in two weeks and we are counting down the days!
It had been a very long time since we had any excuse to get all fancied up! I had searched hard for two weeks to find a ballgown. Next year, I will search in a larger city to avoid the painful process that I had searching here. I wore a beautiful turquoise and rhinestone gown. Rhinestone jewelry, my new rhinestone watch from Gaudy Girl shop and rhinestone and silver shoes. Eric wore a Black tuxedo and went all out wearing his Rolex for a change. The Balls in the Mobile and New Orleans areas are much more strict and formal. Your gown has to touch the floor, and it has to be a specific tuxedo tails or you will be turned away at the door.
We had a great evening, everyone at our table was so nice and the show was fabulous! The band was rocking the place and the food was yummy. I can't say the $25 bottle of wine the city was selling was worth that much. But every penny we put into purchasing our tickets, clothes, Lauren our babysitter for the evening and all the other accessories were worth every penny. Sometimes you just have to get all fancied up and be Cinderella with your Prince Charming at the Ball! Next year we hope that many of our friends join us for this grand event. The Mardi Gras parade is coming up in two weeks and we are counting down the days!
42/365...2011 Party Day (Friday February 11)
Today was a very exciting day for a little 3 year old girl named Savannah! It was Preschool Valentine Party day! It took quiet a while to load up all the goodies to take. Savannah took cupcakes for her teachers, the Director Mrs Betty and Mr. Richard. For her classmates she had a special Valentine card with her picture on it with Ladybugs. She gave them heart gummies and Scripture conversation hearts. I was excited to be working at the party. She told me that Mommies could not go to the party. She wanted to invite her Daddy. She said I could come help and then leave. I quickly told her that she had many many years ahead of her where I would be volunteering at school and being a room mother!
There was a spin art game, find the heart treasure in the sandbox (rice instead of sand), ring the ball in the red bucket, ring toss and spin tic tac toe. At each event they received a prize to go in their valentine pail.
When Savannah saw me there she was very proud and excited! It was a great day of seeing a lot of excitement in her eyes.
Excitement that I remembered as a little girl. I remembered when I was about in the 4th grade that I found the night before a big white stuffed dog that my parents were probably going to give me for Valentine day. So I decided to be sick the next day. I could not wait till after school on Valentines day to get my present. But, then I remembered the next morning if I was sick that I would miss out getting my valentines from my classmates! They were hung on the rail of the chalkboard in our classroom. So I decided it was best I go to school. I did come home early. I don't remember all the details if I was really a little sick or totally faking it. I remember telling my sister Becky who is 5 years younger about how I came home early and got my valentine present before her! She totally ratted me out! It was many years later in high school that I played sick again. I wasn't bad sick, just not feeling like school. I am sure it was a Friday or Monday and it had something to do with a Days of our Lives episode! I walked on the back screen porch that morning to get a coke from the coke machine. There was a snake there! I pushed my turquoise skateboard onto it and it went flying, I went screaming and that was the absolute last time I have ever played sick in my life! I felt for sure that was Satan trying to get me!
As I write this blog, it amazes me the memories that come back from my childhood. Ones that I have probably never shared! Tonight as I catch up on the past few days blogs I am remembering many things from years past valentines, while enjoying the new memories we are creating as a family with Savannah!
There was a spin art game, find the heart treasure in the sandbox (rice instead of sand), ring the ball in the red bucket, ring toss and spin tic tac toe. At each event they received a prize to go in their valentine pail.
When Savannah saw me there she was very proud and excited! It was a great day of seeing a lot of excitement in her eyes.
Excitement that I remembered as a little girl. I remembered when I was about in the 4th grade that I found the night before a big white stuffed dog that my parents were probably going to give me for Valentine day. So I decided to be sick the next day. I could not wait till after school on Valentines day to get my present. But, then I remembered the next morning if I was sick that I would miss out getting my valentines from my classmates! They were hung on the rail of the chalkboard in our classroom. So I decided it was best I go to school. I did come home early. I don't remember all the details if I was really a little sick or totally faking it. I remember telling my sister Becky who is 5 years younger about how I came home early and got my valentine present before her! She totally ratted me out! It was many years later in high school that I played sick again. I wasn't bad sick, just not feeling like school. I am sure it was a Friday or Monday and it had something to do with a Days of our Lives episode! I walked on the back screen porch that morning to get a coke from the coke machine. There was a snake there! I pushed my turquoise skateboard onto it and it went flying, I went screaming and that was the absolute last time I have ever played sick in my life! I felt for sure that was Satan trying to get me!
As I write this blog, it amazes me the memories that come back from my childhood. Ones that I have probably never shared! Tonight as I catch up on the past few days blogs I am remembering many things from years past valentines, while enjoying the new memories we are creating as a family with Savannah!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
41/365...2011 Who's In Charge Here?
Today was an ALMOST perfect day. Savannah and I woke up and went to Kid City and met up with sweet Momma's and their sweet kids. It was cold outside, 27 degrees! There were a few snow flurries in the air. Kid City is an awesome indoor place for kids to play, climb and slide. There is a Cafe that brews Starbucks for us Mommies! I was ready for a Skinny Latte! As we left there Savannah said "Momma, I would rather go to Michael's Craft Store than Toys R Us." Now, you should know I had not mentioned us going to either! I thought she was pretty clever with this move! So, how could a Mom resist? We went to Michael's! Savannah picked out a frame to paint for her Daddy for Valentines and ladybug cards to make for her friends. I was pretty sneaky adding a few things to the buggy (or as Eric calls it a shopping cart) for Savannah's art bag as a Valentine gift.
This evening after Eric arrived, I mentioned I needed to go to the grocery store to pick up cupcakes and a few things for Savannah's preschool Valentines party. We had a nice dinner together and I was on my way. Eric headed to the bedroom to lay down with Savannah, watch Josie and the Pussycats and to have her fall asleep. I enjoyed being out for nearly an hour.
Upon arriving, Savannah was standing in my bedroom hallway and had her eye covered. She quickly ran to hide under the kitchen table. I went to her and asked why she had her eye covered. She seemed scared, as if she was going to be in trouble. I got down on my knees and hugged her. She came out and I told her she was not in trouble, but to please show me her eye. OH MY! She had mascara and eyeshadow on it! She had a lot of mascara on her eyelashes! She really did pretty good and was lucky not to poke or get it in her eye! She took me to my bathroom and showed me where she moved the shower stool to turn on the light. She opened the drawer to get the things to make her pretty like her Momma. I asked what about Daddy? She told me he had been asleep for 20 years! She said she snuck out of the bed when he was snoring loudly and went to the bathroom. Then we cleaned her makeup off. I decided we better go check on her Daddy, who was still snoring loudly. She climbed on the bed and tried to wake him up, no luck, I shook his shoulder and he just rolled over. I looked on the floor and there was about 150 envelopes it seemed all over the floor. She had emptied the box and said she was trying to cover the floor! Then we went to the kitchen.
She had started unrolling the Scotch tape and it was hanging off the counter! What the heck, I had her stay up and help me decorate cupcakes for her preschool teachers. She was just too darn cute! She kept asking me is SHE was in trouble and if I was not going to let her go to lunch bunch at preschool. I told her no, she was not in trouble... but her Daddy was. She said "Momma, don't get him in trouble. Daddy didn't do ANYTHING, he was just sleeping!"
I was worried at what could have happened, tickled at what she did do, furious that Eric had no earthly idea and had fallen asleep. When I lay down with Savannah I do everything I can to stay awake until she falls asleep. Poor tired Daddy. After decorating the cupcakes, Savannah went back to our bed to snuggle with her snoring Daddy. It did not seem to bother her ears. She watched Josie and the Pussycats again and fell asleep sideways in her Daddy's arms. Somehow, in the midst of the craziness of the night, it was still her Daddy that put her to sleep! It is now two hours later and he is STILL snoring loudly!
Who was in charge? From this morning it was Savannah who decided what store we would shop at and this evening it was Savannah who was in charge all alone for who knows how many minutes. And why on earth did she not think to wash the dishes, pick her toys and clean the dinner dishes? Next time, I will leave her a list of what really needs done!
This evening after Eric arrived, I mentioned I needed to go to the grocery store to pick up cupcakes and a few things for Savannah's preschool Valentines party. We had a nice dinner together and I was on my way. Eric headed to the bedroom to lay down with Savannah, watch Josie and the Pussycats and to have her fall asleep. I enjoyed being out for nearly an hour.
Upon arriving, Savannah was standing in my bedroom hallway and had her eye covered. She quickly ran to hide under the kitchen table. I went to her and asked why she had her eye covered. She seemed scared, as if she was going to be in trouble. I got down on my knees and hugged her. She came out and I told her she was not in trouble, but to please show me her eye. OH MY! She had mascara and eyeshadow on it! She had a lot of mascara on her eyelashes! She really did pretty good and was lucky not to poke or get it in her eye! She took me to my bathroom and showed me where she moved the shower stool to turn on the light. She opened the drawer to get the things to make her pretty like her Momma. I asked what about Daddy? She told me he had been asleep for 20 years! She said she snuck out of the bed when he was snoring loudly and went to the bathroom. Then we cleaned her makeup off. I decided we better go check on her Daddy, who was still snoring loudly. She climbed on the bed and tried to wake him up, no luck, I shook his shoulder and he just rolled over. I looked on the floor and there was about 150 envelopes it seemed all over the floor. She had emptied the box and said she was trying to cover the floor! Then we went to the kitchen.
She had started unrolling the Scotch tape and it was hanging off the counter! What the heck, I had her stay up and help me decorate cupcakes for her preschool teachers. She was just too darn cute! She kept asking me is SHE was in trouble and if I was not going to let her go to lunch bunch at preschool. I told her no, she was not in trouble... but her Daddy was. She said "Momma, don't get him in trouble. Daddy didn't do ANYTHING, he was just sleeping!"
I was worried at what could have happened, tickled at what she did do, furious that Eric had no earthly idea and had fallen asleep. When I lay down with Savannah I do everything I can to stay awake until she falls asleep. Poor tired Daddy. After decorating the cupcakes, Savannah went back to our bed to snuggle with her snoring Daddy. It did not seem to bother her ears. She watched Josie and the Pussycats again and fell asleep sideways in her Daddy's arms. Somehow, in the midst of the craziness of the night, it was still her Daddy that put her to sleep! It is now two hours later and he is STILL snoring loudly!
Who was in charge? From this morning it was Savannah who decided what store we would shop at and this evening it was Savannah who was in charge all alone for who knows how many minutes. And why on earth did she not think to wash the dishes, pick her toys and clean the dinner dishes? Next time, I will leave her a list of what really needs done!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
40/365...2011 We Are Still Waiting!
Snow was predicted today. If you read yesterdays post, you know that it was 4-6 inches. My comment was "BRING IT ON"! We are still waiting. Nothing but cold and rain today and School was cancelled - the 3rd time this month! Roads and Highways were closed and government offices also! As of 3:00 pm today, I said what the heck, I am building a fire anyway in the fireplace! I enjoyed watching Dr. Phil and had a warm cup of tea with honey! Savannah watched a movie and kept coming to the fire to warm her bum! She loves a good fire!
Here it is 8:00 pm and it is finally snowing or sleeting. It doesn't matter now, because we don't have School on Thursdays! Now if they cancel school on Friday - I will be sending Savannah to one of my friends that homeschool! LOL! Remember Savannah has not attended her 3 days of preschool in any one week since before Christmas Break! No consistency is really hurting her schedule!
She has kept me cracked up all day. She has told us she went Scuba Diving in Hawaii, without wearing goggles and her eyes burned. She said she also ate ice cream sandwiches on the beach. Sadly, she is getting this confused with the beach at Dauphin Island, Alabama. What a great imagination she has! Now - I am going to chill on the couch and also dream of being on a beach, someday soon!
Here it is 8:00 pm and it is finally snowing or sleeting. It doesn't matter now, because we don't have School on Thursdays! Now if they cancel school on Friday - I will be sending Savannah to one of my friends that homeschool! LOL! Remember Savannah has not attended her 3 days of preschool in any one week since before Christmas Break! No consistency is really hurting her schedule!
She has kept me cracked up all day. She has told us she went Scuba Diving in Hawaii, without wearing goggles and her eyes burned. She said she also ate ice cream sandwiches on the beach. Sadly, she is getting this confused with the beach at Dauphin Island, Alabama. What a great imagination she has! Now - I am going to chill on the couch and also dream of being on a beach, someday soon!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
39/365... Bring It On!
WHAT? WHAT is going on? Its definitely not global warming here in NW Louisiana! I honestly miss the snow of living up north, BUT if it has to snow here AGAIN, please let it be cold enough to last on the ground a few days - instead of melting less than 24 hours later into a nasty mess. PLEASE let it snow on a non school day, hint, hint, hint, how about a WEEKEND? PLEASE let it be enough snow for Eric to have time to get home from work, in the daylight hours and actually play with Savannah!
We have an awesome hill in our backyard. Heck, it may be the best in Bossier City/Shreveport combined. PLEASE let it be enough snow that it is fun to sled down! We welcome friends and their redneck sleds, garbage can lids and Rubbermaid tops. Come on over. We have hot cocoa, SPARK, coffee, Kahlua and Pecan Liquor! You bring the food - all yummy comfort food would be great too! I have the kids movies and plenty of shows on the DVR!
Is this our 3rd or 4th snow since January? I don't remember any last year and before that we lived in KY, IN and OH for 7 years. Oh well - It will be in the 50's again by Saturday and Eric and I will be dancing away in the warm South at out Centaur Mardi Gras Ball! So - in other words, if you don't like the weather in these parts, wait a day - it will change!
We have an awesome hill in our backyard. Heck, it may be the best in Bossier City/Shreveport combined. PLEASE let it be enough snow that it is fun to sled down! We welcome friends and their redneck sleds, garbage can lids and Rubbermaid tops. Come on over. We have hot cocoa, SPARK, coffee, Kahlua and Pecan Liquor! You bring the food - all yummy comfort food would be great too! I have the kids movies and plenty of shows on the DVR!
Is this our 3rd or 4th snow since January? I don't remember any last year and before that we lived in KY, IN and OH for 7 years. Oh well - It will be in the 50's again by Saturday and Eric and I will be dancing away in the warm South at out Centaur Mardi Gras Ball! So - in other words, if you don't like the weather in these parts, wait a day - it will change!
38/365...2011 Little Silly Girls!
Tuesday, a day that we usually do something different every week. No set plans, sometime Kids City and sometimes friends come over. This week, we had a few friends over for an event. It was all little girls about age 3 to 5. They were all so cute. I love watching these little girls grow up. I don't think there were any meltdowns, any arguments and not a big mess at all. At one time or the other all were in dress up clothes, riding on Blaze the horse, cooking in the play kitchen or pushing the shopping or tea cart. Most all of them had a Scooby Doo band aid on. None of them really had any bobo's. It was just a fashion statement! Hannah is always on the ball to let me know when Savannah is playing in the bathroom sink. That was so helpful! Savannah, Hannah, Kaylynn, Addison and Abbey all played great together. It was so funny because the only other kids were all baby boys!
I don't any of these kids to continue growing as fast as they are! It doesn't seem that long ago that they were all having to be held by their Momma's while they ate their lunch, had to have their diapers changed and had to be home soon after noon for naptime. Well - it would be great if we still had those naptimes!
I don't any of these kids to continue growing as fast as they are! It doesn't seem that long ago that they were all having to be held by their Momma's while they ate their lunch, had to have their diapers changed and had to be home soon after noon for naptime. Well - it would be great if we still had those naptimes!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
What busy lives we lead! I really need about 3 more uninterrupted hours in my day! Tonight I had to catch up on the past two days of Blogs that I did not get to. Feeling bad on Friday night and out of town on Saturday made it difficult to get to the laptop. Not a good excuse, but I decided I would do this 365 day BLOG my way and not add any more pressure to my life than I already add to it for trivial things! I still plan to document every day, but sometimes life happens and you get to it when you get to it! Heck, I was proud of myself going 36 days without missing one! I had my BLOG topics, but sitting down was something that was not going to happen! Maybe I need to figure out how to do this from my Blackberry!
Today Eric and I did a lot of clothes washing and a lot of cleaning the main living areas of the house. Baseboards, cabinets, ceiling fans, carpets were cleaned and other minor home projects. Later this afternoon I attempted to again try to find a Mardi Gras Ball Gown. This is becoming more painful by the day to do! This would not be nearly as hard in Mobile. There there are many stores that carry ballgowns and they are open every day! Stores like JC PENNEY, DILLARDS, BRIDAL Shops, STEIN MART, ROSS, MARSHALLS, Local owned Boutiques, Resale shops. Too many to choose from! Its just different here! When I have a day to go shop there are stores closed on Wednesdays. There are stores closed on Sundays. The snow comes and everyone is closed. Stores that do not open till 11 am, which is 30 minutes before Savannah is to be picked up from preschool. The Ball is 6 days from now and I know I will need alterations! Stay tuned for daily updates! I am like Cinderella with out a dress! I need a fairy Godmother!
During my outing I was to go to a drive thru car wash to get the SUV cleaned. It was so dirty from the snow. Eric said pay for the best one. So I did, it was $12.00. I inserted my card and it never printed the receipt with the code for me to enter the car wash. So, I had to have 6 cars back up to let me back out of the car wash. What a day! Just life's little annoyances. I will have to go back on Monday to get a car wash or hope to get my $12.00 back.
We attempted to watch the Super Bowl. I missed the National Anthem. I think I saw two commercials. It's the time of day that things tend to get crazy around our home. Good thing it was not a team we were crazy about. Last year was awesome - the Indianapolis Colts and the New Orleans Saints. It was a great year having the Saints be the champs! Maybe again it will happen!
Today Eric and I did a lot of clothes washing and a lot of cleaning the main living areas of the house. Baseboards, cabinets, ceiling fans, carpets were cleaned and other minor home projects. Later this afternoon I attempted to again try to find a Mardi Gras Ball Gown. This is becoming more painful by the day to do! This would not be nearly as hard in Mobile. There there are many stores that carry ballgowns and they are open every day! Stores like JC PENNEY, DILLARDS, BRIDAL Shops, STEIN MART, ROSS, MARSHALLS, Local owned Boutiques, Resale shops. Too many to choose from! Its just different here! When I have a day to go shop there are stores closed on Wednesdays. There are stores closed on Sundays. The snow comes and everyone is closed. Stores that do not open till 11 am, which is 30 minutes before Savannah is to be picked up from preschool. The Ball is 6 days from now and I know I will need alterations! Stay tuned for daily updates! I am like Cinderella with out a dress! I need a fairy Godmother!
During my outing I was to go to a drive thru car wash to get the SUV cleaned. It was so dirty from the snow. Eric said pay for the best one. So I did, it was $12.00. I inserted my card and it never printed the receipt with the code for me to enter the car wash. So, I had to have 6 cars back up to let me back out of the car wash. What a day! Just life's little annoyances. I will have to go back on Monday to get a car wash or hope to get my $12.00 back.
We attempted to watch the Super Bowl. I missed the National Anthem. I think I saw two commercials. It's the time of day that things tend to get crazy around our home. Good thing it was not a team we were crazy about. Last year was awesome - the Indianapolis Colts and the New Orleans Saints. It was a great year having the Saints be the champs! Maybe again it will happen!
36/365...2011 Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
Good Saturday morning! There are 3 inches of beautiful snow on the ground! Thank you God for this beautiful blessing that Savannah got to experience yesterday! We are predicted more snow next week and sure hope it happens!
This morning Eric woke up early to check the weather reports and road conditions. We were planning a drive to Dallas to pick up the yellow Mustang Convertible he purchased a few weeks ago. By late morning it was safe to travel as the temperatures were rising and the 3 inches of snow were melting fast!
Savannah, Eric and I had a great ride over to Dallas. It was a beautiful day and we packed a great lunch for the ride. Savannah was excited to get her "vertable" as she called it! I was excited to get our convertible also. Dreaming of days with no snow on the ground riding around town. Dreaming of warmer days going out as a family for ice cream in a fun car!
When I met Eric he drove an Eagle Talon. It was a really cool sports car. I drove a new 1998 Toyota Corolla. I remember the day sitting in his car at a red light in Mobile, AL at the intersection of Cottage Hill and Hillcrest Road. There was a nice large SUV in the lane beside us. We must have been talking about cars, because Eric told me he would NEVER be driving an SUV. That was probably 2000. We married in 2002. In 2003 while I was working, he bought our current Mercury Mountaineer. He drove it to the Maumee, OH Street Fair that I was working at to show me. I was so excited and proud. I still drive this today and it is 2011! Eric continued driving his Talon until it died and replaced it with an identical car. I can't remember exactly what happened to that car, but at some point he took over driving the Toyota. Since then he has always wanted another fun play car. We looked on the Internet many times. When in KY he purchased a dark green Mustang. It was not a convertible and just not what he thought it would be. I think I rode in it one time to the Somerset, KY Car show when the temps were near 100 degrees. The AC in the car did not work. That was in 2007! Here we are in 2011. Eric has been a real trouper driving the Toyota Corolla. It has been a great car. However, it has been falling apart piece by piece for the past 6 months. Several door handles have fallen off. He has had a great sense of humor about it! It still runs, but needs some work.
It was definitely time for Eric to have a new car.... or TWO! Yes - my sweet hubby, who brings home the money, works hard to provide an awesome life for us and tries so hard to save and invest.... finally found not one but 2 cars! He saved and searched and now it finally paid off! The car he will be driving to work is a Red Dodge Charger - only one year old! Also a great family car! What a great deal! He truly deserves it after driving the Toyota to work every day for years! That car was 13 years old and still running!
So as of tonight we have a Toyota Corolla, Mercury Mountaineer, A green Ford Mustang, a yellow Mustang Convertible and a Red Dodge Charger! Now to donate one car and get the other ready to sell! It looks like we have our own used car lot! Next will be another SUV for me. Savannah was excited for Eric to put the top down on the yellow convertible and sit in it with her Daddy. There is not much room for a car seat in the back! But it will be fun when the weather is nicer! Something Eric and I have joked about for years and we are blessed to have a precious daughter to share the fun memories we will create in it! Her curls will be blowing in the wind!
This morning Eric woke up early to check the weather reports and road conditions. We were planning a drive to Dallas to pick up the yellow Mustang Convertible he purchased a few weeks ago. By late morning it was safe to travel as the temperatures were rising and the 3 inches of snow were melting fast!
Savannah, Eric and I had a great ride over to Dallas. It was a beautiful day and we packed a great lunch for the ride. Savannah was excited to get her "vertable" as she called it! I was excited to get our convertible also. Dreaming of days with no snow on the ground riding around town. Dreaming of warmer days going out as a family for ice cream in a fun car!
When I met Eric he drove an Eagle Talon. It was a really cool sports car. I drove a new 1998 Toyota Corolla. I remember the day sitting in his car at a red light in Mobile, AL at the intersection of Cottage Hill and Hillcrest Road. There was a nice large SUV in the lane beside us. We must have been talking about cars, because Eric told me he would NEVER be driving an SUV. That was probably 2000. We married in 2002. In 2003 while I was working, he bought our current Mercury Mountaineer. He drove it to the Maumee, OH Street Fair that I was working at to show me. I was so excited and proud. I still drive this today and it is 2011! Eric continued driving his Talon until it died and replaced it with an identical car. I can't remember exactly what happened to that car, but at some point he took over driving the Toyota. Since then he has always wanted another fun play car. We looked on the Internet many times. When in KY he purchased a dark green Mustang. It was not a convertible and just not what he thought it would be. I think I rode in it one time to the Somerset, KY Car show when the temps were near 100 degrees. The AC in the car did not work. That was in 2007! Here we are in 2011. Eric has been a real trouper driving the Toyota Corolla. It has been a great car. However, it has been falling apart piece by piece for the past 6 months. Several door handles have fallen off. He has had a great sense of humor about it! It still runs, but needs some work.
It was definitely time for Eric to have a new car.... or TWO! Yes - my sweet hubby, who brings home the money, works hard to provide an awesome life for us and tries so hard to save and invest.... finally found not one but 2 cars! He saved and searched and now it finally paid off! The car he will be driving to work is a Red Dodge Charger - only one year old! Also a great family car! What a great deal! He truly deserves it after driving the Toyota to work every day for years! That car was 13 years old and still running!
So as of tonight we have a Toyota Corolla, Mercury Mountaineer, A green Ford Mustang, a yellow Mustang Convertible and a Red Dodge Charger! Now to donate one car and get the other ready to sell! It looks like we have our own used car lot! Next will be another SUV for me. Savannah was excited for Eric to put the top down on the yellow convertible and sit in it with her Daddy. There is not much room for a car seat in the back! But it will be fun when the weather is nicer! Something Eric and I have joked about for years and we are blessed to have a precious daughter to share the fun memories we will create in it! Her curls will be blowing in the wind!
35/365...2011 Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!!!
Friday was all that we had expected and all we had planned for! It was the 3rd snow this year for NW Louisiana. Who would have known? We got 3 inches of snow! We moved from OH, IN and KY where there were tons of snow and sold my snow sled! Now we are having to use Rubbermaid tops as a redneck sled!
Friday night I stayed up late like a child and waited for the snow, nothing. I woke up at 3 am and it was beautiful coming down! Savannah woke up at 8 am, expecting preschool. I told her I had a surprise for her and asked her to close her eyes. I led her to the front glass doors and told her to open them. She said "Momma, this is what I always wanted".
It was difficult to make her wait several hours to play in the snow. But once she requested a fire in the fireplace she was perfectly fine. We enjoyed watching all the birds feed at the bird feeder. It took us what seemed forever to layer our clothes to get ready to go in the snow. We played in the snow for only 30 minutes. She loved eating it and trying to catch snowflakes. The day got even better when Eric came home early to hang out with us and start our weekend early!
And guess what? This is so crazy! We are expecting 6 - 10 inches of snow between Wed and Thur of next week! This town will completely shut down if this happens! If we get this - what will they get in the Midwest? All government offices and many stores and major roads were closed today! Hmmm and we thought we lived in the warm sunny south!
Friday night I stayed up late like a child and waited for the snow, nothing. I woke up at 3 am and it was beautiful coming down! Savannah woke up at 8 am, expecting preschool. I told her I had a surprise for her and asked her to close her eyes. I led her to the front glass doors and told her to open them. She said "Momma, this is what I always wanted".
It was difficult to make her wait several hours to play in the snow. But once she requested a fire in the fireplace she was perfectly fine. We enjoyed watching all the birds feed at the bird feeder. It took us what seemed forever to layer our clothes to get ready to go in the snow. We played in the snow for only 30 minutes. She loved eating it and trying to catch snowflakes. The day got even better when Eric came home early to hang out with us and start our weekend early!
And guess what? This is so crazy! We are expecting 6 - 10 inches of snow between Wed and Thur of next week! This town will completely shut down if this happens! If we get this - what will they get in the Midwest? All government offices and many stores and major roads were closed today! Hmmm and we thought we lived in the warm sunny south!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
34/365...2011 I Spy With My Little Eye...
I spy with my little eye a Triceratops, a Tyrannosaurus, a Stegosaurus and a Pterandon.
Eric and Savannah read one of her I Spy books tonight. I especially love it because this set of books are ones I bought between 12 and 15 years ago for Thomas, Chase and Haley. Savannah knows and loves her dinosaurs. I am in my 40's and I did not know the names of the different ones. If I did, I had erased it from my memory and replaced it with something else.
I love how her brain is a like a sponge, soaking up everything. Savannah loves to learn and she loves books. She does not watch much TV compared to many other kids her age. Every now and then I need it as much as she does. I love our DVR's and being able to record the good ones and show them at our convenience. I can get a meal cooked, a floor mopped or take a shower. She can learn something so interesting when watching the right type of TV show or video. She learned her ABC's and the sound of each letter from watching her Leap Frog DVDs. She has learned Spanish and so many other things from Dora the Explorer and Go Diego Go. From Word Girl she is learning new words, their meanings and how they are used in a sentence. She loves Sid The Science Kid. Today's show was about germs and how to get rid of them. She calls germs diseasers! She finally caught on when the teacher on the show explained that we could not see a germ with out naked eye. It was so funny because she knew what naked was, but an eye being naked was just weird to her. Lately she is learning how to rhyme from her Dr. Seuss Books and watching The Cat in The Hat. (He knows a lot about that!).
Disney movies are great, some of my favorites. I remember that when she was about 15 months old Eric bought her Cinderella. I would play it in the kitchen while she sat in her high chair and I cooked dinner. It wasn't long after watching it that she would clap a the happy ending. That was so precious. After she turned two and was talking, she learned the word stupid from that movie!
Dinosaur Train on PBS has taught her a lot about the different Dinosaurs who live in whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all teeming with dinosaur and other animal life, and connected by a train line known as the Dinosaur Train. Savannah made the decision that her 4th Birthday in March would be a Dinosaur theme.
It's going to be a wild and bumpy ride for Eric and I in our older age as we learn again thru the eyes of our child. I am excited about all of it except the science projects in the coming years. I am sure her Daddy has that area covered. If not, we can just review back to Sid the Science Kid TV show to help us out!
Eric and Savannah read one of her I Spy books tonight. I especially love it because this set of books are ones I bought between 12 and 15 years ago for Thomas, Chase and Haley. Savannah knows and loves her dinosaurs. I am in my 40's and I did not know the names of the different ones. If I did, I had erased it from my memory and replaced it with something else.
I love how her brain is a like a sponge, soaking up everything. Savannah loves to learn and she loves books. She does not watch much TV compared to many other kids her age. Every now and then I need it as much as she does. I love our DVR's and being able to record the good ones and show them at our convenience. I can get a meal cooked, a floor mopped or take a shower. She can learn something so interesting when watching the right type of TV show or video. She learned her ABC's and the sound of each letter from watching her Leap Frog DVDs. She has learned Spanish and so many other things from Dora the Explorer and Go Diego Go. From Word Girl she is learning new words, their meanings and how they are used in a sentence. She loves Sid The Science Kid. Today's show was about germs and how to get rid of them. She calls germs diseasers! She finally caught on when the teacher on the show explained that we could not see a germ with out naked eye. It was so funny because she knew what naked was, but an eye being naked was just weird to her. Lately she is learning how to rhyme from her Dr. Seuss Books and watching The Cat in The Hat. (He knows a lot about that!).
Disney movies are great, some of my favorites. I remember that when she was about 15 months old Eric bought her Cinderella. I would play it in the kitchen while she sat in her high chair and I cooked dinner. It wasn't long after watching it that she would clap a the happy ending. That was so precious. After she turned two and was talking, she learned the word stupid from that movie!
Dinosaur Train on PBS has taught her a lot about the different Dinosaurs who live in whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all teeming with dinosaur and other animal life, and connected by a train line known as the Dinosaur Train. Savannah made the decision that her 4th Birthday in March would be a Dinosaur theme.
It's going to be a wild and bumpy ride for Eric and I in our older age as we learn again thru the eyes of our child. I am excited about all of it except the science projects in the coming years. I am sure her Daddy has that area covered. If not, we can just review back to Sid the Science Kid TV show to help us out!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
33/365... Brrrrr - WHAT letter is it?

It always amazes me the simple things that get Savannah excited. Who would have thought, the letter P? (For me the letter of the past two weeks has also been P - but the show and tell has been POOP!) What might you ask was Savannah planning for show and tell. A stuffed Penguin! She had planned it for five days and today was the day. I can't imagine the excitement when we get to the letter S. That's her favorite!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
32/365...2011 What Season is it Mommy?
This morning we woke up to thunder, wind, hail and rain. It was 64 degrees here in NW Louisiana (Shreveport/Bossier City). Savannah and I snuggled up in our bed. I got up to check the weather radio in case we needed to take cover in the guest room hallway. We were fine, just a winter storm warning! We (I) decided we would be staying in today and I think we were both pretty happy. Tuesdays are no preschool days. It was nice and cozy in the house while outside our picnic table and umbrella had blown over and trash cans had been blown down. We decided it was best to be here and not go to kid city since it was a 25 minute drive with the weather. The local stations predicted a 30 degree drop in temps by early afternoon. I seriously think it dropped from 64 to 31 in an hour. It was crazy watching the temp drop!
Savannah decided she was going to play outside. She took off her jammies and changed into new pet shop panties, a black t shirt, Toy Story Alien socks and silver sparkle shoes. She was very angry when I told her she was not going outside to play due to the wind and cold. She decided in order to keep warm, she would add her purple polka dot leggings to the ensemble. What a fashion statement she was making!
I kept telling her it was so cold. She then said for me to build a fire that it was cold inside, but warm enough to jump on her trampoline if she also wore her Ohio State sweatshirt!
She told me it was summer and hot outside. I said no it's winter. She told me last week all the leaves were blowing and that it was fall. I said no it's winter. She reminded me she was barefoot outside a few days ago. True, she was but as of now it was in the mid 20's outside. I told her we would need to wear out winter coat and hat the next day when we went outside. She then asked me if it was Christmas since I told her it might snow again this week. Yesterday to gymnastics she wore her leotard, flip flops and a raincoat.
All the things she had learned in preschool about the different seasons now meant nothing. I fell just as confused as she did. What season is it? Oh yea, its winter. This past weekend we thought it was summer. This coming weekend we drive to Dallas to get our Yellow Mustang Convertible. We hope it will feel like fall or summer again. I have been planning her springtime Birthday party and what she will be wearing for Easter. I think that season is spring, but have no idea what the weather will be like! Tonight the temps dip into the teens and the windchill could be as low as zero or one! As for now, we are enjoying a cozy evening in our hearth room by the fire. Thanking God for family and a place to call home, no matter what the season is.
Savannah decided she was going to play outside. She took off her jammies and changed into new pet shop panties, a black t shirt, Toy Story Alien socks and silver sparkle shoes. She was very angry when I told her she was not going outside to play due to the wind and cold. She decided in order to keep warm, she would add her purple polka dot leggings to the ensemble. What a fashion statement she was making!
I kept telling her it was so cold. She then said for me to build a fire that it was cold inside, but warm enough to jump on her trampoline if she also wore her Ohio State sweatshirt!
She told me it was summer and hot outside. I said no it's winter. She told me last week all the leaves were blowing and that it was fall. I said no it's winter. She reminded me she was barefoot outside a few days ago. True, she was but as of now it was in the mid 20's outside. I told her we would need to wear out winter coat and hat the next day when we went outside. She then asked me if it was Christmas since I told her it might snow again this week. Yesterday to gymnastics she wore her leotard, flip flops and a raincoat.
All the things she had learned in preschool about the different seasons now meant nothing. I fell just as confused as she did. What season is it? Oh yea, its winter. This past weekend we thought it was summer. This coming weekend we drive to Dallas to get our Yellow Mustang Convertible. We hope it will feel like fall or summer again. I have been planning her springtime Birthday party and what she will be wearing for Easter. I think that season is spring, but have no idea what the weather will be like! Tonight the temps dip into the teens and the windchill could be as low as zero or one! As for now, we are enjoying a cozy evening in our hearth room by the fire. Thanking God for family and a place to call home, no matter what the season is.
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